Interactive Lessons on Early Immigration modal link
(click here to read full story)
They’ve Got the Rubbish Rhythm! modal link
National Honors for SWR Senior modal link
SWR Celebrates Homecoming Festivities modal link
Prodell’s Literacy Pep Rally! modal link
Constitution Day! modal link
BOE HS Building Walkthrough, 5:30pm
BOE Meeting, 7pm, MS Auditorium
WRPTA Meeting, 6: 30pm
MA Fall Festival @ Fink's Farm, 4:30 - 6:30pm
HS Pictures Makeup/ Re-takes for Gr 9- 11
MA Fruity Friday
Yom Kippur
Columbus Day Schools/Offices Closed
Character Counts Week
Senior Picture Makeup/ Retakes
HSPTSA Meeting, 2:30pm
WR Schoolwide Photo
WRPTA Blood Drive, 3:15-7:45pm
MA School Store
MAPTO Meeting, 6:30
WRPTA Monster Mash, 6:00 - 7:30pm
MS Teen Rec, 7-9pm
Space & Facilities Comm Mtg, 6pm, DO Conf Rm
SEPTA Meeting, 7pm, MA AP Room
HS Musical, 7pm
HS Musical, 2pm
ACT at other sites
BOE MS Building Walkthrough, 5:30pm
MA Halloween Parade
MA Halloween Candy Buy Back
WAC Meeting, 7:30, HS Library
MS Early Winter Sports Begin
Sup't Conf Day - Schools Closed
Audit Comm Mtg, 6pm, DO Conf Rm
HSPTSA Meeting, HS Library, 6pm
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