If you have any questions regarding registration, please call the District Registrar’s office which is open Monday – Friday, 8am – 4pm at 631-821-8100.
Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program Information
Kindergarten Registration opens on January 20th.
Kindergarten Registration Information
Registration for INCOMING Students:
Registration for enrollment in the District is submitted using ONLINE REGISTRATION (OLR) along with required documents.
- If you require access to a computer, please call the Registrar to set up an appointment to complete your online application at the District Office (631-821-8100).
- To view the Online Registration Instructions for EXISTING families, click here.
(Haga clic aquí para obtener instrucciones en español.)
- Existing families include anyone who has ever had other students enrolled in the district.
- To view the Online Registration Instructions for NEW families, click here.
(Haga clic aquí para obtener instrucciones en español.)
- New families are families who have never had children enrolled in Shoreham-Wading River Schools.
- Once your registration application is submitted online, you will receive an email with additional information on the registration process.
- Once your application is approved, you will receive an email notification instructing you on how to complete the next step of creating and activating your Parent Portal account.
- Please note, if you are unable to submit your documents electronically, please call the Registrar at 631-821-8100.
Nurse’s Packet Instructions
Allergy Forms for EpiPen Use
Custodial Affidavit
Residency Affidavit
Renter Affidavit/Landlord Affidavit
If you move within the boundaries of the district, a parent or guardian must complete a Change of Address form for each student at the District Office. Proof of your new residency must be presented. Please see the Change of Address link below.
If your new address is outside of the district boundaries, your child(ren) will be ineligible to attend the Shoreham Wading River CSD. You will need to withdraw your child(ren) from the District and complete the necessary paperwork to have your records transferred to the new District. Please contact your child's building for specific withdrawal process.
*Please note in order to change a mailing address to a PO BOX, proof of residency must be submitted proving residency at a physical address within the District.
(Please click Link to view and print forms)
If you are moving out of the Shoreham-Wading River School District, please complete the Official School Withdrawal Form and submit it to the District Office Registrar. Please bring your driver’s license and another form of ID with you.
Supports for Students in Temporary Housing Situations
The McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Assistance Act is a federal law that discusses the public education of children and youth in temporary housing. Under McKinney-Vento and state law, students are considered to be in temporary housing if their nighttime residence is not fixed, regular, and adequate.
Some examples of temporary housing include:
- Sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship or other similar reason
- Living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, camping grounds
- Living in emergency or transitional shelters
- Abandoned in hospitals
- Living in a public or private place not designed for sleeping
- Living in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, bus or train stations, etc.
- Migratory living in circumstances described above
McKinney-Vento Liaison:
Tracy Von Eschen, Director of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services
If you have any questions, please contact the District's McKinney-Vento Liaison at 631-821-8100. You will be asked to compete an updated housing questionnaire each summer before returning to school. Once your family is approved for services under the McKinney-Vento, please continue to contact Ms. Von Eschen or Ms. Bozinos immediately if your housing situation changes in any way.