News Archive
2/11/2025 - 2 Hour Delayed Opening - Wednesday, February 12
2/5/2025 - 2 Hour Delayed Opening for Thursday, February 6, 2025
1/20/2025 - Kindergarten Registration, January 20, 2025 - February 7, 2025
1/6/2025 - Hibernation Day!
1/3/2025 - Notice of Board of Education Audit Committee Meeting - January 16, 2025
1/3/2025 - National Honors!
1/2/2025 - Join Us for Upcoming Events in Wildcat Wrestling!
1/2/2025 - 300 Wins!
12/24/2024 - Where Does the Gingerbread Man Live?
12/24/2024 - Festive Façade!
12/23/2024 - Wading River School Year-End Celebration!
12/23/2024 - Smiles and Snowflakes from Wading River School
12/23/2024 - Miller Avenue Students Learn Musical Forms
12/23/2024 - Happy holidays from Whoville…
12/23/2024 - Run, Run As Fast As You Can!
12/23/2024 - Happy Holidays from Wading River School!
12/20/2024 - Sounds of Joy!
12/20/2024 - Thank You, Miller Avenue Student Council!
12/18/2024 - Principal for a Day!
12/18/2024 - 7th Graders Bring History to Life
12/18/2024 - The Best Way to Spread Holiday Cheer is Singing Loud for All to Hear!
12/18/2024 - Catching Up with the Gingerbread Man!
12/17/2024 - Caring Canine Visit
12/17/2024 - How Lovely Are Your Branches!
12/16/2024 - Cheerful Honors for Historic Win!
12/16/2024 - SWR Pride
12/16/2024 - Awesome Athleticism!
12/13/2024 - Honored for Excellence!
12/13/2024 - Joyful Sounds!
12/12/2024 - All County and All State Athletes Recognized!
12/12/2024 - Makerspace Magic!
12/12/2024 - The Angels Among Us!
12/12/2024 - Regeneron Applicants Represent SWR’s Science Research Program
12/12/2024 - Powerhouse Team!
12/12/2024 - A Spectacular Holiday Show in American Sign Language
12/11/2024 - Miller Avenue’s Merry Monsters!
12/11/2024 - Accolades for AP Scholars!
12/10/2024 - Space & Facilities Committee Meeting Public Notice - December 17, 2024
12/10/2024 - Musical Expressions!
12/4/2024 - Game-Based Learning with Breakout EDU
12/3/2024 - Musical Masters!
11/26/2024 - Gratitude in Prodell Middle School
11/26/2024 - Balloons Over Miller Avenue!
11/26/2024 - Student Musicians Committed to their Craft!
11/25/2024 - Shoreham-Wading River Celebrates a State Champion!
11/22/2024 - NYSED Regionalization Website
11/22/2024 - Four From SWRHS Among Nation’s Most Promising Young Scientists
11/19/2024 - All-State Honors!
11/19/2024 - Culture, History and More on Fifth Grade Trip to Philadelphia
11/19/2024 - NYSED Regionalization Plan - Opposition Letter
11/19/2024 - Inspiring Tales from Paws of War
11/18/2024 - Legislative Committee Meeting Public Notice - November 18, 2024
11/18/2024 - Vacancy - High School Co-Curricular Future Farmers of America (FFA)
11/15/2024 - Public Notice: Special BOE Meeting - November 19, 2024
11/14/2024 - Seven Wildcats Ink College Letters of Intent
11/12/2024 - Holiday Craft Fair November 16
11/12/2024 - Space & Facilities Committee Meeting Public Notice - November 19, 2024
11/12/2024 - Thank You, Thank You to Our Veterans!
11/12/2024 - SWR Swimming Success!
11/12/2024 - Global Awareness Club
11/12/2024 - Global Awareness Club Acts Locally
11/8/2024 - Early Dismissal Drill
11/8/2024 - Long Island Champs!
11/8/2024 - County Champs!
11/8/2024 - CC Champions!
11/8/2024 - Wildcats Winners!
11/7/2024 - Fall Newsletter Available!
11/6/2024 - Chocolate Chip or Oreo?
11/6/2024 - Prodell Hosts Inspiring Veterans Day Assembly
11/5/2024 - Congratulations to Gameday Cheer on winning the County Championship!
11/5/2024 - Prodell’s Wildcats with Character!
11/5/2024 - And the Votes Are in!
11/5/2024 - Nationally Recognized Speaker Visits Prodell Middle School
11/1/2024 - ‘Wonder’ and Other Halloween Happenings at Wading River School
10/31/2024 - NYSED Regionalization Plan Letter
10/31/2024 - A Happy Halloween at Miller Avenue!
10/29/2024 - STEM in ACTION!
10/28/2024 - Wading River Educators Share Effective Social Studies Program Pilot
10/25/2024 - An Effective Literacy Approach
10/24/2024 - Notice of Policy Committee Meeting - October 24, 2024 @ 4:30PM in the DO Conference Room
10/24/2024 - Amazing!
10/23/2024 - Global Awareness Club
10/22/2024 - All Things Apples!
10/22/2024 - Book Fair Success!
10/17/2024 - Dreaming Big at Wading River School!
10/16/2024 - Community Relations Book Drive Success!
10/16/2024 - District Clerk Position Available
10/16/2024 - Notice of Board of Education Audit Committee Meeting - October 24, 2024
10/16/2024 - Thank You to Our BOE!
10/16/2024 - Prodell Students Learn What It Means to ‘Be Bionic!’
10/15/2024 - 12 Month Full Time District Clerk Position Available Beginning in December 2024
10/15/2024 - SWRHS Drama Club Presents…
10/10/2024 - Encore!
10/10/2024 - Taking the Oath of Office
10/8/2024 - Tonight’s (October 8th, 2024) Board of Education Meeting is at SWRHS at 7 pm
10/8/2024 - SWRHS Club Fair!
10/3/2024 - Interactive Lessons on Early Immigration
10/3/2024 - Wildcats with Character: September Success!
9/25/2024 - Public Notice Audit Committee Meeting - October 24, 2024
9/25/2024 - They’ve Got the Rubbish Rhythm!
9/24/2024 - National Honors for SWR Senior
9/23/2024 - SWR Celebrates Homecoming Festivities
9/23/2024 - SWRHS Celebrates Homecoming Festivities
9/23/2024 - Prodell Middle School Celebrates Homecoming Festivities
9/23/2024 - Wading River School Celebrates Homecoming Festivities
9/23/2024 - Miller Avenue School Celebrates Homecoming Festivities
9/23/2024 - SWRHS is a School of Distinction
9/19/2024 - Prodell’s Literacy Pep Rally!
9/18/2024 - Constitution Day!
9/18/2024 - Fifth Graders Make Good Choices
9/18/2024 - Wading River’s Working Wildcats!
9/12/2024 - National Recognition!
9/11/2024 - Community Relations Book Drive
9/11/2024 - Shoreham-Wading River Trio to Serve as Student BOE Members
9/6/2024 - Staff Alumni Hall of Fame Honorees
9/4/2024 - Public Notice Audit Committee Meeting - September 12, 2024
9/4/2024 - A New School Year in Shoreham-Wading River
9/4/2024 - This Way to Success!
9/3/2024 - SWR Readies for 2024-25 School Year with Superintendent’s Conference Day
8/29/2024 - High School Honeybees: Sweet Success
8/29/2024 - Happy to Be in Grade Three!
8/28/2024 - Watch Out Kindergarten – Here We Come!
8/26/2024 - Advances in Summer Science Research
8/22/2024 - Summer Program Success!
8/20/2024 - SWRTA Virtual Food Drive!
8/8/2024 - Summer Studio
8/6/2024 - Board of Education Special Meeting Notice - August 6, 2024
8/6/2024 - Alumni Art on Display
8/2/2024 - Unified Productions’ ‘High School Musical(Ish)’ Shines on Stage
8/1/2024 - Summer Showcase: Live on Prodell Stage
8/1/2024 - ‘A Year with Toad and Frog’
7/30/2024 - SWR Summer Music Institute: The Creative Process in Full Swing
7/30/2024 - School of Distinction Honors!
7/25/2024 - Summer Fun and Friendships With Roundout
7/19/2024 - Summer Newsletter Available!
7/17/2024 - An Expression of Unity
7/12/2024 - District Welcomes New Assistant Principal
7/12/2024 - Taking The Oath of Office
7/8/2024 - SPARK Program in Full Swing
6/27/2024 - Bubble Send-Off!
6/27/2024 - Grade Three Bee!
6/27/2024 - Play Pals Thanks Caffe Amici!
6/25/2024 - Thank You!
6/24/2024 - SWR Thanks You!
6/24/2024 - Class of 2024: Leaders. Dreamers. Trailblazers.
6/21/2024 - Moving On Up!
6/20/2024 - SWR High School Graduation Livestream
6/20/2024 - Kindergartners Participate in Teddy Bear Clinic
6/18/2024 - Summer Theater Registration!
6/18/2024 - Interested in joining a District Committee? Please click here.
6/17/2024 - Ten Honored with Seal of Civic Readiness Distinction
6/17/2024 - Seal of Biliteracy Honors for 10 Seniors
6/14/2024 - Tenure!
6/14/2024 - Spring Athletes Honored!
6/14/2024 - You’re A Grand Old Flag!
6/13/2024 - Help Wanted - EMT for Summer Round Out
6/13/2024 - Exceptional Bus Driver Recognition!
6/13/2024 - Valedictorian James Minetti Honored by SCSSA
6/13/2024 - Prodell’s Resilient Students!
6/13/2024 - Excellence from Ex-officio BOE Members!
6/12/2024 - Top Two Students Honored with State of New York Legislative Resolution
6/11/2024 - At the Top of Their Athletic Game
6/11/2024 - Fine Arts Students To Continue Studies in College
6/11/2024 - Superior Ranking at Music Festival for Sixth Graders
6/10/2024 - College Essay Night for Juniors
6/10/2024 - First Place for Prodell at Music in the Parks Festival!
6/10/2024 - Memories and More at Alumni Barbecue!
6/10/2024 - Too Much Noise?
6/10/2024 - Running Like the Wind!
6/7/2024 - Seniors Step Back in History at Wading River School
6/6/2024 - SWR Alumni Hall of Fame Nominees
6/6/2024 - A Visit to the Long Island Aquarium
6/6/2024 - Get Your Lemonade!
6/6/2024 - 18 Wildcats Commit to College Athletics
6/5/2024 - Principal For the Day!
6/3/2024 - Global Awareness Club Spearheads Collection
6/3/2024 - Who Doesn’t Love Field Day?
6/3/2024 - SWR Junior Honored with WHAM Scholarship
6/3/2024 - Cupcakes and Conversation!
5/31/2024 - 38th Annual Foot Races
5/31/2024 - Scholar-Artists, Musicians and Thespians Honored
5/31/2024 - Wading River All-Star!
5/31/2024 - Prodell Wellness Week
5/29/2024 - Thank You, Mr. Rose!
5/29/2024 - Miller Avenue’s Young Leaders
5/28/2024 - Underclassmen Awards
5/28/2024 - County Champion!
5/24/2024 - Board of Education Regular Meeting Notice – May 28, 2024
5/24/2024 - Rising Beyond Our Roots Art Show & Fundraiser
5/24/2024 - Rising Beyond Our Roots Art Show & Fundraiser
5/23/2024 - SWR Sensation: 50th Anniversary District Concert
5/21/2024 - Budget Results
5/21/2024 - Students Attend BASH Awards Ceremony
5/21/2024 - World Baking Day!
5/21/2024 - Unified Basketball Senior Day!
5/20/2024 - Board of Education Regular Meeting Notice – May 21, 2024
5/20/2024 - A Warm Welcome!
5/20/2024 - Field Day Fun!
5/20/2024 - Pop Open a Great Book!
5/17/2024 - Did You Guess Who the Masked Readers Were?
5/16/2024 - 50th Anniversary High School Tour & Barbeque
5/15/2024 - WISE Student on the Water
5/14/2024 - PARP WEEK!
5/13/2024 - Successful and Historic Science Research Program
5/13/2024 - Tri-M Music Honor Society Induction
5/13/2024 - A Quail of a Tale!
5/10/2024 - Picasso Paintings!
5/10/2024 - It’s A World of Technology!
5/10/2024 - Varsity Lacrosse Players Honored
5/10/2024 - Wildcat Milestone: 500th Career Strikeout!
5/10/2024 - Senior Softball Players Lauded
5/9/2024 - Angels from Shoreham-Wading River
5/9/2024 - Connections to Community: Anna Acker and Alice Steinbrecher
5/9/2024 - Tracking Their Success!
5/9/2024 - BOE Technology Committee Meeting: May 16, 2024
5/9/2024 - Dance Team Participates in Lax Out Cancer Fundraiser
5/8/2024 - Bee on the Lookout!
5/7/2024 - Bringing Home the Gold!
5/7/2024 - Students Visit Walt Whitman Birthplace
5/7/2024 - Ace! Students Play in Autism Awareness Tennis Tournament
5/6/2024 - Public Notice BOE Regular Meeting: May 7, 2024
5/6/2024 - Congratulations: Word to the WISE Program
5/3/2024 - Prodell Students of the Month
5/3/2024 - Prodell Honors National Junior Honor Society Inductees
5/1/2024 - Girls LAX Team Celebrated!
5/1/2024 - Public Notice Policy Committee Meeting - May 2, 2024
5/1/2024 - Varsity Tennis Wildcats Honored!
4/30/2024 - Installation of the Bees!
4/30/2024 - Criminal Justice Students Visit Police Exhibits
4/29/2024 - Softball Team Share Morgan’s Message
4/29/2024 - ‘Suite Surrender’ on SWRHS Stage!
4/29/2024 - ‘Suite Surrender’ on SWRHS Stage
4/29/2024 - Video: SWRHS’s Inaugural Poetry Under the Stars!
4/29/2024 - ACE!
4/26/2024 - Public Notice Space & Facilities Meeting - May 2, 2024
4/26/2024 - Budget Newsletter Available
4/25/2024 - Prodell Library Hosts Long Island Library Resource Council’s Traveling Exhibit
4/25/2024 - Senior Sings National Anthem at Hockey Game
4/24/2024 - What’s All the Buzz About?
4/24/2024 - District Welcomes New Athletic Director
4/24/2024 - Second Graders Learn That Nature is Sweet!
4/22/2024 - Pretzels are Perfect!
4/22/2024 - Two Seniors Honored by U.S. Navy Recruiter
4/22/2024 - TOP 50 LIST
4/18/2024 - Duo Attend Rotary Leadership Program
4/18/2024 - LOCATION CHANGE: Please note tonight’s Poetry Under The Stars will be held in the SWRHS A Wing Atrium, near the school store.
4/17/2024 - SWR 50th Anniversary Alumni BBQ and HS Tour
4/17/2024 - Joy & Laughter with Jester Jim
4/16/2024 - SWR Student Meets U.S. Secretary of Energy
4/16/2024 - Let’s Glow!
4/16/2024 - Alum Accolades!
4/15/2024 - Global Awareness Club Recognizes World Needs
4/15/2024 - Spring Newsletter Available!
4/15/2024 - The Scientific Method at Work at Miller Avenue Science Fair
4/12/2024 - BOE Meeting Notice - April 16, 2024
4/12/2024 - SWRSD Congratulates Top Two Students!
4/11/2024 - High School Educator Serves on University Panel
4/10/2024 - Acceptance Through Knowledge at Wading River School
4/10/2024 - Pulsera Project Success!
4/9/2024 - A Natural Phenomenon in the Sky!
4/9/2024 - National Champion!
4/5/2024 - Electrify Your Band Concert, April 10!
4/5/2024 - Poetry Jam! April 18 at 6 pm at the HS Ampitheater
4/3/2024 - Wildcats with Compassion!
4/2/2024 - District Named Best Community for Music Education
4/1/2024 - Board of Education Regular Meeting Notice – April 2, 2024
4/1/2024 - SWR Student-Athletes Support Andrew’s Top Gun Run
4/1/2024 - Top 100 List!
3/28/2024 - Perfect Record for Unified Bowling Team!
3/28/2024 - Prodell Students Raise the Bar With Maglev Competition
3/28/2024 - Honored for Excellence!
3/28/2024 - Landing on Their Feet!
3/27/2024 - NYBC Blood Drive Flyer - April 4th, 2024 at the Wading River School
3/22/2024 - BOE Meeting Notice Tuesday, March 26, 2024
3/22/2024 - Varsity Basketball Honors!
3/21/2024 - Prodell's Prolific Portraitists!
3/20/2024 - Miller Avenue Students Have Super Powers!
3/20/2024 - Miller Avenue Students Have Super Powers!
3/19/2024 - Suites and Treats Success!
3/19/2024 - Humanities Honors!
3/18/2024 - Scholar-Athletes Lauded!
3/15/2024 - Prodell Represents at SCMEA Concert
3/15/2024 - Students Shine at SCMEA Concert!
3/15/2024 - St. Patrick Scholarship Winner
3/14/2024 - Students Showcase Art at Parrish Exhibit
3/13/2024 - Prodell Educator Serves as VP for SCMEA All-County Festival
3/12/2024 - A Master Class in Creative Writing
3/12/2024 - Wildcat All-Stars!
3/12/2024 - Emerging Leaders Attend State Conference
3/11/2024 - Board of Education Meeting: Tuesday, March 12, 2024
3/11/2024 - Students Explore The Science and Art of Bubbles
3/11/2024 - HS Trio Serve as Student Facilitators
3/10/2024 - Board of Education Special Meeting: Monday, March 11, 2024
3/8/2024 - Adult Education: Beginner/Intermediate Drawing Starts March 14!
3/8/2024 - Integrity Is the In Thing at Prodell
3/8/2024 - Prodell Perspectives
3/8/2024 - Seniors Observe Government in Action
3/7/2024 - Suites And Treats!
3/6/2024 - Time Capsule Celebration!
3/6/2024 - Students Explore Replica of White House
3/5/2024 - SWR Board Members Attend Annual Executive Briefing
3/5/2024 - Art Smart: Miller Avenue Highlight!
3/4/2024 - Audit Committee Meeting March 19, 2024
3/4/2024 - Miller Avenue Makerspace: Confidence Building and Spatial Learning
3/4/2024 - Art Smart: High School Highlight!
2/29/2024 - National Merit Honors!
2/29/2024 - Student Honored by Board of Education
2/29/2024 - Duo Honored for Leadership Qualities
2/28/2024 - Sophomore Wins Poetry Out Loud Semifinals!
2/28/2024 - Welcome to The Den!
2/27/2024 - Board of Education Meeting: Tuesday, February 27, 2024
2/27/2024 - Visit the Wildcat Den 2/27 at 6pm!
2/27/2024 - Quill Award Honors!
2/27/2024 - When Life Gives You Lemons…
2/26/2024 - State Champion!
2/26/2024 - All-State Honors!
2/26/2024 - Way to Go Wildcats!
2/22/2024 - Second Graders Choose Their Own STEMventures!
2/21/2024 - SWR Students Participate in Long Island Science and Engineering Fair
2/21/2024 - Towering Tasks!
2/21/2024 - A Thought-Provoking University Visit
2/20/2024 - Combining Kinetic Energy + Kindness at Wading River School
2/16/2024 - SWR Siblings Earn Eagle Scout Status
2/16/2024 - Basketball Duo Honored
2/16/2024 - First Grade Fashionistas
2/16/2024 - Dexterity and Counting Skills Unite!
2/15/2024 - Student-Artists Created Balance with Notan Art
2/15/2024 - Class of 2036 Celebrates 100 Days of School!
2/15/2024 - Senior Wildcats Honored!
2/14/2024 - Valentine’s Day Love from Wading River School!
2/14/2024 - Valentines for Veterans
2/14/2024 - Students wish Vietnam Veteran a Happy Valentine's Day!
2/12/2024 - Schools Closed Tuesday, February 13 - all before and after school activities cancelled
2/12/2024 - What can you create in a makerspace?
2/12/2024 - Wrestling Honors!
2/9/2024 - Touchdown!
2/9/2024 - SADD Recognizes P.S. I Love You Day
2/8/2024 - ‘Blithe Spirit’ on Stage!
2/8/2024 - Perseverance in Prodell
2/7/2024 - Ready, Set, Launch!
2/6/2024 - Winter Newsletter Available!
2/5/2024 - LISFA Honors!
2/5/2024 - Prodell Pride
2/5/2024 - Wildcat Winner: Michael Huebner
2/5/2024 - Small School County Champs!
1/31/2024 - Coming Soon: High School Production of Blithe Spirit!
1/29/2024 - Civic Engagement and Service Learning
1/29/2024 - Wildcats with Character Keep on Cooking
1/29/2024 - Global Awareness Club Supports Doctors Without Borders
1/29/2024 - Students Show Creativity, Curiosity & Commitment
1/29/2024 - Wildcat Wrestlers Honored!
1/25/2024 - Everybody Cut Footloose!
1/25/2024 - It’s Back to the Future for Wading River Students!
1/23/2024 - Real-World Applications of Learning at Prodell
1/22/2024 - Poetry Out Loud!
1/22/2024 - Kindergarten Registration, January 22, 2024 - February 2, 2024
1/22/2024 - Snowflake Science!
1/22/2024 - No Name Players: Footloose Youth Edition
1/22/2024 - League Champions!
1/19/2024 - Board Meeting Notice - January 23, 2024
1/18/2024 - SWR’s Bright Light!
1/16/2024 - Legislative Committee Meeting Notice - January 18, 2024
1/12/2024 - Students Learn Forensic Science Through Real-World Lens
1/11/2024 - League 7 Champions!
1/10/2024 - Position Available: Director of Physical Education, Health, Athletics & Community Programs
1/10/2024 - Student Voices Aid in Future Planning
1/10/2024 - Students Attend Informational Vaping Presentation
1/9/2024 - Poll Workers Needed!
1/9/2024 - Trio Set a Record at Prodell
1/9/2024 - First Place for SWRHS’s Michael Huebner
1/5/2024 - Board Meeting Notice - January 9, 2024
1/5/2024 - Prodell Students of the Month
1/5/2024 - Prodell’s Coffee Cart Café!
1/4/2024 - SWR’s Empowering Students
1/4/2024 - Dance Team Puts Fun in Fundraiser
1/4/2024 - WAC Hall of Fame!
1/4/2024 - Prodell Library & Makerspace: A Place to Create and Discover
1/2/2024 - Sharing the Joy of Music!
12/21/2023 - Radicals and Tories: A Huge Success!
12/21/2023 - Seven Attend Leadership Conference
12/20/2023 - SWR Applauds a Leader in Sustainability
12/20/2023 - Fall 2023 Athletic Awards and Recognitions
12/20/2023 - Top 50
12/19/2023 - A Spectacular ASL Christmas
12/18/2023 - New Health and Wellness Center Opens at SWRHS
12/15/2023 - Bringing Smiles to Others!
12/15/2023 - Public Exhibit for High School Art Students
12/14/2023 - Accolades for AP Scholars!
12/13/2023 - Coaches of the Year
12/12/2023 - All-State Honors!
12/12/2023 - Principal For A Day!
12/12/2023 - A Jazz-Filled Time at Wading River School
12/12/2023 - A Night at the Museum
12/8/2023 - State Grant Awarded to High School
12/8/2023 - History Club Visits Navel Seal Museum
12/8/2023 - The Angels Among Us!
12/7/2023 - Paws of War Visit High School
12/6/2023 - All Things French!
12/4/2023 - Meteorologist’s Virtual Visit!
12/4/2023 - Prodell Students Strive for an Attitude of Gratitude!
12/4/2023 - SWR Cares
12/4/2023 - Legislative Visit for Community Relations Class
12/1/2023 - BOE Space & Facilities Committee Meeting - Wednesday, December 13, 2023
11/30/2023 - Open for Business!
11/28/2023 - HS Duo Submit Regeneron Research
11/22/2023 - There Rides the Food Train!
11/22/2023 - Wading River School Celebrates 50 Years on the 50th Day
11/21/2023 - Senior Wildcats Commit to College Athletics
11/21/2023 - Miller Avenue Rocks Around the Clock!
11/21/2023 - Miller Avenue Loves A Parade!
11/21/2023 - K-9 Visit to Miller Avenue!
11/17/2023 - SWR Young Minds Unite
11/16/2023 - Students Join Roundtable With Councilwoman
11/14/2023 - Emily Herr Named Athlete of the Week!
11/14/2023 - ACE!
11/14/2023 - Literature & Gratitude
11/9/2023 - Legislative Committee Public Notice
11/9/2023 - Miller Avenue Salutes Our Veterans!
11/9/2023 - Gavin McQueeney Receives the Thomas Cutinella Service Award
11/8/2023 - Such Joyful Sounds!
11/7/2023 - Wildcats With Character!
11/6/2023 - Board Meeting Notice - November 7, 2023
11/6/2023 - Students Attend Stage the Change Conference
11/6/2023 - Long Island Champs!
11/6/2023 - Picasso-Inspired Portraits!
11/6/2023 - Swimming Success!
11/2/2023 - Friday, November 17: Early Release Drill - all students will be dismissed 15 minutes early
11/2/2023 - Visiting Journalist!
11/2/2023 - Collaboration Is Key in Miller Avenue Makerspace
11/2/2023 - Boo from Mrs. Burke’s Class!
11/1/2023 - Classroom Lessons and Peanuts’ Lucy!
11/1/2023 - Math, Monsters and More!
11/1/2023 - Equating Fun With Education
10/31/2023 - Witches, Warlocks, Dracula and More!
10/31/2023 - Undefeated!
10/31/2023 - Sharing the Power of Friendship and Imagination!
10/31/2023 - Miller Avenue’s Apple Week!
10/31/2023 - A Harmonious Halloween!
10/30/2023 - Cross-Country Senior Day!
10/30/2023 - Happy Halloween!
10/27/2023 - Get Your Tickets: A Bikini Bottom Day Success!
10/27/2023 - Historical Analysis at Prodell
10/26/2023 - SWRHS Presents SpongeBob SquarePants on Stage!
10/26/2023 - Celebrating Our Board of Education
10/26/2023 - Generative AI Working Group - Volunteers Needed
10/25/2023 - SWR Celebrates Homecoming Festivities
10/25/2023 - Rohan Murphy Says ‘No Excuses!’
10/25/2023 - Sixteen Strong: SWR Senior Football Players
10/25/2023 - No Rain on Miller Avenue Parade!
10/20/2023 - R.E.S.P.E.C.T!
10/20/2023 - We’ve Got This!
10/18/2023 - Local Heroes Visit Wading River School
10/18/2023 - They Did the Monster Mash
10/18/2023 - Students Embrace Science Lessons in a Natural Habitat
10/18/2023 - Senior Soccer Players Honored
10/18/2023 - Once Upon a Time….
10/16/2023 - BOE Policy Committee Meeting - Tuesday, October 17, 2023
10/16/2023 - Homecoming National Anthem Time Change
10/16/2023 - The SpongeBob Musical!
10/16/2023 - Career Exploration at Prodell
10/16/2023 - Wildcats Honored!
10/13/2023 - SWR Fall Fest - October 21, 2023
10/13/2023 - Musical Master Class!
10/13/2023 - Senior Wildcats Honored
10/13/2023 - Public Notice - Space & Facilities Committee Meeting - October 23, 2023
10/11/2023 - What’s Happening at Miller Avenue School?
10/11/2023 - Miller Avenue Makerspace: A Mix of Learning and Fun
10/10/2023 - Notice of Public Hearings
10/10/2023 - Duo Named National Merit Commended Students
10/10/2023 - Watch Us Soar!
10/10/2023 - Thanks Safety Mike!
10/10/2023 - Honored for Exceptional Performance
10/6/2023 - Notice of Public Hearings - October 24, 2023
10/5/2023 - Understanding Math in the Animal Kingdom
10/5/2023 - Prodell’s Wildcats With Character Students of the Month
10/5/2023 - Game, Set, Match for HS Senior Duo
10/5/2023 - School of Distinction Honors
10/5/2023 - Ronnie Malave Day!
9/28/2023 - BOE Audit Committee Meeting - Thursday, October 12, 2023
9/27/2023 - Board of Education Legislative Committee Meeting Notice - October 2, 2023
9/27/2023 - All-State Honors!
9/26/2023 - Academic Honors for Six SWRHS Students
9/22/2023 - BOE Meeting - Tuesday, September 26, 2023
9/22/2023 - Senior Wildcats Honored
9/21/2023 - Senior Named National Merit Semifinalist
9/12/2023 - Prodell Students Honor Patriot Day
9/11/2023 - Board of Education Meeting Notice - September 12, 2023
9/11/2023 - Board of Education Audit Committee Meeting Notice - September 21, 2023
9/11/2023 - Patriot Day at Wading River School
9/8/2023 - Soccer Stars!
9/7/2023 - First Day Fun at Wading River!
9/6/2023 - A New School Year
9/5/2023 - Go, Big Blue: SWR Welcomes Staff to First Day of School
9/5/2023 - Welcome to SWR, Mrs. Biscardi!
9/5/2023 - SPARKing an Interest in Science Research
9/1/2023 - Miller Avenue School Welcomes Kindergarten Class!
9/1/2023 - Alex Zhang Selected for Highly Competitive Research Program
8/4/2023 - Board of Education Meeting, Tuesday, August 8, 2023
8/4/2023 - Roundout Offers Socialization and Play
8/4/2023 - Sharing a Love of Theater at SWR
8/3/2023 - Special Edition Newsletter Available!
7/28/2023 - Unified Productions Light Up the Theater!
7/27/2023 - State Honors for SWRHS!
7/25/2023 - Regular Board of Education Meeting - July 25, 2023
7/14/2023 - Summer Newsletter
7/12/2023 - Thomas Sheridan Named BOE President
7/12/2023 - 50 Years of Excellence!
7/11/2023 - Notice of Board Meeting - July 11, 2023
6/30/2023 - Gold Medal for Class of 2023 Member James Wicks
6/27/2023 - End-of-Season Athletes
6/26/2023 - Bravo Class of 2023!
6/26/2023 - BOE Bids Farewell to Retirees
6/26/2023 - Fifth Grade & Wading River School Send-Off!
6/23/2023 - SWR High School Graduation Livestream
6/23/2023 - Grade 3 Multiplication Bee!
6/22/2023 - Student Leaders Present Class Gift
6/21/2023 - BOE Trustees Honored
6/20/2023 - Top Students Honored
6/16/2023 - Miller Avenue Students Make a Difference!
6/15/2023 - Notice of Board Meeting - June 20, 2023
6/15/2023 - Eight Honored With Seal of Biliteracy
6/15/2023 - SWR’s Exceptional Academic Seniors
6/14/2023 - Lights, Camera, Action…Wait…First, the Tech Crew!
6/14/2023 - Seniors Commit to College Athletics!
6/14/2023 - Barcode Long Island Symposium Presentation
6/14/2023 - Reading, Writing, Math & More!
6/13/2023 - July 4th Foot Race
6/13/2023 - 31 AP Scholars Named!
6/13/2023 - All-State Honors!
6/12/2023 - High School Trio Honored
6/12/2023 - High School Students + Safe Driving
6/12/2023 - Lessons on America’s Independence
6/12/2023 - Wildcat Trio Honored by Town Board
6/12/2023 - Two Seniors Honored
6/12/2023 - BOE Honors Wading River School Writer
6/9/2023 - Local Heroes Welcomed at Wading River School
6/9/2023 - Three Cheers for SWR Wildcats!
6/8/2023 - Fifth Graders Explore Local Natural Resource
6/8/2023 - World of Technology Field Trip
6/6/2023 - SWRHS Senior Walk!
6/5/2023 - Principal for the Day!
6/5/2023 - Prodell Music Program Lauded
6/5/2023 - Spring Newsletter Available!
6/5/2023 - Pepper Pig & Pizza: Highlights of Principal’s Lunch!
6/2/2023 - Notice of Board Meeting - June 6, 2023
6/2/2023 - Senior Anja Minty Honored
6/1/2023 - Join a District Committee for the 2023-2024 School Year!
5/31/2023 - Wildcats Win!
5/31/2023 - Video: Play Pals & Pizza!
5/27/2023 - Field Day Fun!
5/26/2023 - In Honor of Memorial Day
5/25/2023 - SWR Hosts NYSSMA Festival!
5/24/2023 - Play Pals Gala: A Reason to Celebrate!
5/24/2023 - Undefeated!
5/24/2023 - Ace!
5/24/2023 - Great Shot Put!
5/24/2023 - Prodell Students Discover Broadway
5/23/2023 - School Board Service Awards
5/23/2023 - Buddies Brings Smiles to Miller Avenue
5/22/2023 - Math Honors!
5/19/2023 - Always Thinking of Others!
5/19/2023 - Encouraging Artistic Expression
5/18/2023 - High-fives and Hellos at Grade 2 Orientation Visit!
5/18/2023 - Student Leaders Honored
5/17/2023 - SWRHS Art Show
5/17/2023 - Fourth Grader Honored for Exceptional Writing
5/16/2023 - Budget Results / Resultados del Presupuestro
5/16/2023 - Physical Examinations & Immunization Requirements
5/15/2023 - Blood Drive: Tuesday, May 23 @ SWRHS
5/12/2023 - Senior Duo Honored
5/11/2023 - Peer Mentoring Students Find The Sunlight
5/10/2023 - Student Artwork Selected for Public Exhibition
5/10/2023 - Ace!
5/9/2023 - Nature-Inspired Writing
5/9/2023 - Boys Lacrosse Players Honored
5/9/2023 - Let’s Party With PARP!
5/5/2023 - SWR Foundation Aid Increase Utilization Survey
5/5/2023 - Shoreham-Wading River Rocks!
5/5/2023 - Second Place in NYS for Senior James Wicks
5/5/2023 - A Quail of a Tale!
5/4/2023 - May the 4th Be With You!
5/4/2023 - Wildcat Sax Quartet!
5/4/2023 - Scholar-Artists, Musicians and Thespians Honored
5/3/2023 - Tenure for Five SWR Educators
5/3/2023 - Meet the BOE Candidates 2023
5/3/2023 - Inspiration and Action From Wading River Students
5/3/2023 - SPARK Honors!
5/2/2023 - Wading River School Evening of the Arts
5/2/2023 - Wildcat Applause!
4/27/2023 - 2023 Budget Newsletter
4/26/2023 - LI Science Congress for Science Research Students
4/26/2023 - SWRHS Student Production
4/26/2023 - Badminton Champ!
4/24/2023 - Senior Baseball Players Honored
4/24/2023 - Slam Dunk!
4/24/2023 - Honors for Eight!
4/21/2023 - Aerial and Athletic Adventures!
4/20/2023 - Shoreham-Wading River named to National Best Community for Music Education list
4/19/2023 - Three Cheers!
4/17/2023 - Notice of Board Meeting - April 18, 2023
4/17/2023 - Trio at Navy Meet with HS Principal
4/5/2023 - Best Feature Video for SWRHS Junior!
4/5/2023 - Wildcat Athletic Awards & Recognitions!
4/4/2023 - Notice of Board Meeting - April 4, 2023
4/3/2023 - Introduction to Watercolor
4/3/2023 - Full STEAM Ahead!
3/31/2023 - Autism Awareness & Acceptance Spirit Week!
3/31/2023 - Lessons of Yesteryear
3/31/2023 - TOP 100!
3/31/2023 - Prodell Student Presents Historical Research
3/30/2023 - Duo Honored for Leadership Qualities
3/30/2023 - Top 100!
3/29/2023 - Freshman Joins NYSED Student Advisory Commission
3/28/2023 - SRO Success!
3/28/2023 - Teachers Present at Language Arts Conference
3/28/2023 - Music & More at Suites & Treats!
3/27/2023 - Notice of Board Meeting - March 28, 2023
3/27/2023 - UPK Update, 3/27/23
3/27/2023 - NSYC Mental Health Counseling Services
3/27/2023 - Author Shares a Love of Literacy
3/27/2023 - SADD Chapter Wins Award
3/27/2023 - All-Long Island Team
3/24/2023 - LAX Tops!
3/23/2023 - Top 100!
3/22/2023 - Player Honors for Girls Basketball Team
3/22/2023 - Seal of Civic Readiness for 2023-24 School Year
3/21/2023 - Students Attend DECA State Conference
3/20/2023 - Video: Maglev Magic
3/17/2023 - Tenure for Two!
3/17/2023 - SCMEA Honors!
3/17/2023 - Captivating Curiosity!
3/17/2023 - Prodell Teacher Primed & Prepared!
3/14/2023 - Suites and Treats Recital
3/14/2023 - Prodell Middle School Presents 'Into the Woods Jr.'
3/13/2023 - Notice of Board Meeting - March 14, 2023
3/13/2023 - Students Explore a Passion for Media
3/10/2023 - Broadway Inspires SRO Production
3/10/2023 - SRO Performance!
3/10/2023 - All-County Academic Honors!
3/10/2023 - SWRHS Senior Art in the Community
3/10/2023 - Running Like The Wind!
3/9/2023 - The Cat in The Hat…and All That!
3/9/2023 - Musical Honors!
3/7/2023 - National Merit Finalist!
3/6/2023 - Winter 2023 Newsletter Available!
3/6/2023 - Five Conferred as Eagle Scouts
3/6/2023 - Wildcat Applause!
3/3/2023 - UPK Update, March 2023
3/3/2023 - A SPARK of Energy From Science Research Program
3/3/2023 - Outdoor Opportunities!
3/2/2023 - What’s New at Prodell? Podcasts!
2/28/2023 - Future Innovators Compete in Robotics Competition
2/28/2023 - Historic Moment for Girls Basketball Team
2/28/2023 - All-State Honors!
2/28/2023 - Student-Scientists Meet With U.S. Department of Energy Directors
2/27/2023 - Notice of Board Meeting - February 28, 2023
2/23/2023 - Junior-Senior Class Auction - Saturday, March 11, 2023
2/23/2023 - Students Conduct Research at BNL
2/22/2023 - Revised March 6th Audit Committee Meeting Notice
2/21/2023 - A Miller Avenue Writing Celebration!
2/21/2023 - County Champions!
2/16/2023 - Super Powered!
2/13/2023 - Three Cheers!
2/13/2023 - Wildcats Helping Others
2/13/2023 - Wrestling Honors!
2/10/2023 - Stop on Red, Kids Ahead
2/10/2023 - Celebrating 100 Days of School!
2/10/2023 - Prodell Pride!
2/9/2023 - SWRHS Presents: The Play That Goes Wrong
2/8/2023 - UPK for 2023-2024
2/7/2023 - A Celebration of Culture!
2/6/2023 - First Place for Cheer Team!
2/6/2023 - Budding Scientists at Miller Avenue!
2/6/2023 - Slam Dunk for Senior Girls Basketball Players
2/3/2023 - Notice of Board Meeting - February 7, 2023
2/3/2023 - Go Wildcats!
2/3/2023 - A Lunar New Year Celebration
2/1/2023 - Accolades for Senior Jack D’Andrea
1/31/2023 - Edible Marijuana – An Important Message from the Superintendent of Schools
1/31/2023 - SPARK Honors for Dana Schaefer
1/31/2023 - Senior Wildcats Honored
1/31/2023 - Prodell Educator Serves as Choral Conductor at Music Festival
1/30/2023 - Wildcat Pride!
1/30/2023 - Who Will Win the Caldecott Honor?
1/27/2023 - Prodell LISFA Honors!
1/27/2023 - Let’s Make Some Music!
1/26/2023 - Fifth Graders Perform at Long Island String Festival
1/24/2023 - SWRHS Drama Club Production
1/23/2023 - Notice of Board Meeting - January 24, 2023
1/23/2023 - Eager Readers!
1/18/2023 - Way To Go, Gavin Mangano!
1/18/2023 - Educational Excitement at Miller Avenue!
1/18/2023 - Global Awareness on a Local Level
1/17/2023 - Public Notice Policy Committee Meeting - January 18, 2023
1/17/2023 - Correspondents’ Collaboration For Wading River’s Young Journalists
1/12/2023 - Public Notice Space & Facilities Committee Meeting - January 31, 2023
1/11/2023 - LISFA Honors!
1/10/2023 - Beginner/Intermediate Drawing Classes
1/9/2023 - Notice of Board Meeting - January 10, 2023
1/9/2023 - Virtual Enterprise Networking Opportunity
1/9/2023 - Wildcats Celebrated!
1/9/2023 - Principal for a Day!
1/4/2023 - Notice of Special Board Meeting - January 5, 2022
12/29/2022 - SCMEA HONORS!
12/28/2022 - Kindergarten Registration: Open enrollment for the 2023/2024 school year
12/23/2022 - Miller Avenue Makerspace!
12/23/2022 - Global Awareness Club Continues to Change the World
12/22/2022 - Notice of Audit Committee Meeting - January 9, 2023
12/22/2022 - Run, Run As Fast As You Can!
12/21/2022 - Snowball Showdown!
12/20/2022 - Radicals and Tories: Students Vote to Remain Loyal
12/20/2022 - Holiday Spirit in the Hallways!
12/20/2022 - Seasonal Songs from SWRHS Tri-M
12/20/2022 - Section XI Student Leadership Conference
12/20/2022 - Three Cheers!
12/15/2022 - Emergency Board of Education Meeting, December 15, 2022 at 4pm
12/15/2022 - Responsible Rabbit Joins Kindergarten Class
12/15/2022 - Angels Make Miller Ave Magic Happen!
12/12/2022 - SWR Duo Present Science Research Benefits to BOE
12/9/2022 - Notice of Board Meeting - December 13, 2022
12/9/2022 - Thank You, Our Wading River School Angels!
12/7/2022 - SWR Review - Winter 2022 Newsletter
12/6/2022 - Gifts of Appreciation From Class of 2025
12/5/2022 - Fun & Fitness Filled Field Trip!
12/1/2022 - Seal of Biliteracy Honors
11/29/2022 - Prodell Students Honor Native American Heritage Month
11/28/2022 - What Are You Grateful For?
11/28/2022 - Visual Artist Submits Major Digital Artwork
11/28/2022 - SWR Boasts Trio of Math Scholars
11/23/2022 - Tri-M Music Honor Society in the Community!
11/23/2022 - Food for Thought From Miller Avenue Student Council!
11/23/2022 - With Gratitude!
11/22/2022 - The Lifecyle of a Plant!
11/22/2022 - Student Journalists Interview Professional Journalist
11/18/2022 - Musical Preview From Prodell!
11/18/2022 - High School Students Present to BOE
11/17/2022 - Seniors Commit to College Athletics
11/16/2022 - Notice of Policy Committee Meeting - November 16, 2022
11/16/2022 - Prodell Students Recognize Women’s Suffrage Movement
11/16/2022 - Show and Tell!
11/15/2022 - A Salute to Veterans: Wading River Wall of Honor
11/15/2022 - Kindness Knows No Boundaries in Miller Avenue School
11/15/2022 - Wading River School Honors Veteran
11/14/2022 - Notice of Board Meeting - November 15, 2022
11/10/2022 - Miller Avenue School Honors Veterans
11/10/2022 - Notice of Space & Facilities Committee Meeting - November 28 2022
11/10/2022 - Art Educators Advance Their Repertoire
11/9/2022 - Blood Drive Success!
11/8/2022 - Prodell Middle School Thanks Our Veterans
11/7/2022 - Early Dismissal Drill on 11/23/22
11/7/2022 - Emily Herr: County Champion!
11/4/2022 - The Stage is Alive with ‘The Sound of Music’
11/4/2022 - Flowers & a Ripple Effect of Appreciation!
11/3/2022 - BOE Honored for Commitment to Students
11/3/2022 - Let’s Make It A Great Day: Wading River School Mural Ribbon-Cutting
11/3/2022 - Positive Messages From Prodell
11/2/2022 - Suffolk County Class A Champs!
11/2/2022 - Trio Serve as Ex-Officio Student Board Members
11/2/2022 - Red Ribbon Week Recognized at Prodell
11/1/2022 - Miller Avenue Spooky Hallway & Costume Parade!
10/28/2022 - Students Conduct Science Research
10/28/2022 - Math and Science Scholars Attend SBU Lecture
10/28/2022 - Fall Fest for Future Farmers of America
10/27/2022 - Senior Golfers Honored
10/26/2022 - ‘The Sound of Music’ - Senior Spotlight
10/25/2022 - Lions, Tigers and Bears, Oh My!
10/25/2022 - Congratulations Wildcats!
10/25/2022 - SOS and ACT for Prodell Students
10/25/2022 - Follow the Leader!
10/24/2022 - Honors Chemistry Students Share Enrichment Projects
10/24/2022 - The Sound of Music
10/21/2022 - Wading River’s Shining Stars
10/21/2022 - Notice of Board Meeting - October 25, 2022
10/21/2022 - Senior Accepted to All-State Piano Showcase
10/21/2022 - Duo Honored for Athletic Commitment
10/20/2022 - Prodell Students Share Messages of Unity
10/20/2022 - State Contest for SWRHS’s JiSeung Moon
10/19/2022 - Yearbook Information Now Available
10/19/2022 - Nine Soccer Players Honored
10/18/2022 - Senior-Athletes Lauded!
10/18/2022 - Fostering Creative Outlets at SWRHS Club Fair
10/17/2022 - SWR Celebrates School Board Recognition Week
10/17/2022 - Tradition & Pride at SWR Homecoming Festivities
10/17/2022 - Creative, Hands-On Lab Engages Prodell Students
10/17/2022 - Miller Avenue Students Highlight Play Pals at BOE Meeting
10/17/2022 - Enthusiasm Galore at SWRHS Pep Rally!
10/14/2022 - Volleyball Players Rally for Veterans
10/14/2022 - Lights, Camera, Action!
10/14/2022 - Two SWRHS Students Audit College Course
10/11/2022 - Five Seniors Earn Prestigious Title of Eagle Scout
10/7/2022 - Notice of Board Meeting - October 11, 2022
10/7/2022 - Tennis Teamwork Celebrated!
10/7/2022 - Explore. Create. Imagine. Discover.
10/7/2022 - Senior Soccer Players Honored!
10/6/2022 - The Return of SWR’s Homecoming Parade!
10/5/2022 - Applause for Senior Field Hockey Players
10/4/2022 - Wildcats Run Like the Wind!
10/4/2022 - NYSCAME Recognition!
9/30/2022 - Girls Varsity Student-Athletes Play for Pink
9/30/2022 - AP Studio Art Accolades for Two Alumni
9/29/2022 - Notice of Audit Committee Meeting, Monday October 17 at 6:00 pm
9/28/2022 - Cultivating Creativity!
9/23/2022 - Let’s Create Ceramics!
9/23/2022 - SWR Students Start With Hello!
9/22/2022 - Wading River Students Ask: Where in the World Are We?
9/22/2022 - SWR Celebrates National Merit Commended Students
9/16/2022 - Notice of Board Meeting - September 20, 2022
9/16/2022 - Constitution Day at Wading River!
9/16/2022 - District Boasts National Merit Semifinalist
9/16/2022 - Constitution Day at Miller Avenue
9/15/2022 - NYSSMA Honors!
9/15/2022 - What’s on Your Reading List?
9/14/2022 - Notice of Board Meeting - September 14, 2022
9/14/2022 - With Appreciation From Wading River School
9/13/2022 - Prodell Problem Solvers!
9/13/2022 - Stay SWR Informed!
9/12/2022 - Prodell Honors Patriot Day
9/9/2022 - Miller Avenue Wildcats with Character
9/9/2022 - Patriot Day Flag Dedication
9/8/2022 - Notice of Board Meeting - Friday, September 9, 2022
9/8/2022 - Congratulations!
9/7/2022 - Staff Commended for 25 Years of Service
9/6/2022 - Thanks to Wading River School PTA
9/2/2022 - Notice of Board Meeting - Tuesday, September 6, 2022
9/2/2022 - Notice of Audit Committee Meeting - Monday, September 12, 2022
9/1/2022 - Set for Successful School Year!
9/1/2022 - SWR Readies for New School Year!
8/31/2022 - Happy to Be in Grade Three!
8/31/2022 - District Launches Instagram!
8/29/2022 - A-OK at Kindergarten Orientation!
8/25/2022 - HS Trio Perform in Italy
8/22/2022 - Notice of Board Meeting - Tuesday, August 23, 2022
8/11/2022 - Universal Pre-Kindergarten (UPK) Survey - Open to all SWR Residents
8/4/2022 - SWRHS Named School of Distinction
8/3/2022 - Up Next: ‘Willy Wonka Kids’ & ‘Moana’
7/29/2022 - Lettuce Entertain You!
7/29/2022 - SWR Summer Music Institute: A Place For Creativity
7/27/2022 - Test - disregard
7/27/2022 - Testing - disregard
7/25/2022 - Roundout Spells Summer Fun!
7/24/2022 - "A Midsummer Night’s Prom Dream!"
7/22/2022 - Board Meeting Notice: July 26, 2022
7/19/2022 - Summer Newsletter
7/8/2022 - Notice of Board Meeting - Tuesday, July 12, 2022
7/5/2022 - All-Long Island Accolades!
7/1/2022 - Wildcat Billy Steele Named to All-Long Island Team
6/28/2022 - Good Luck Carlie Cutinella!
6/27/2022 - Shoreham-Wading River Celebrates 46th Commencement
6/24/2022 - Compassion. Commitment. Excellence.
6/24/2022 - Wildcat Will Devall!
6/24/2022 - Kindergartner Takes Gold in BNL Science Fair
6/23/2022 - Educators Honored for NYS Master Teacher Distinction
6/23/2022 - SWR Honors SCOPE Recipients
6/23/2022 - SWR Students Benefit From Eagle Scout Project
6/21/2022 - Seniors Commit to College Athletics
6/21/2022 - Community & Career Engagement
6/17/2022 - Notice of Board Meeting - Tuesday, June 21, 2022
6/16/2022 - Seal Of Biliteracy
6/16/2022 - Lacrosse Accolades
6/16/2022 - Student-Athletes Honored
6/15/2022 - Miller Avenue Moments
6/15/2022 - Summer School Information 2022
6/15/2022 - Seniors Honored
6/14/2022 - SWRCSD Foundation Aid Increase Utilization
6/14/2022 - SENIOR DAY FUN!
6/13/2022 - Duo Place at NYSPHSAA Championships
6/10/2022 - Six Students Honored With Seal of Biliteracy
6/10/2022 - SWR’s Exceptional Academic Seniors
6/10/2022 - Valedictorian Honored by SCSSA
6/9/2022 - SWRCSD American Rescue Plan (ARP) Federal Grant Expenditure Plans
6/9/2022 - Top Two Recognized at BOE Meeting
6/9/2022 - County Champions!
6/8/2022 - Senior Lauded by BOE
6/7/2022 - Interested in Joining a District Committee?
6/7/2022 - Small/Tall Carnival
6/7/2022 - Sharing Love With Lemonade
6/7/2022 - Junior Places at Golf Championships
6/6/2022 - Notice of Board Meeting - Tuesday, June 7, 2022
6/6/2022 - VIDEO: SWR Revolutionary War
6/3/2022 - Vocal & Instrumental Pride
6/2/2022 - Art Smart: Creativity on Post-it Notes
6/1/2022 - Wildcats Take Suffolk County Title
5/31/2022 - Notice of Board Meeting - Tuesday, May 31, 2022
5/31/2022 - Superior Rating for Prodell Student-Musicians!
5/31/2022 - Prodell Students Perform National Anthem
5/27/2022 - VIDEO: United in Unified Basketball!
5/27/2022 - Junior Heads to State Championships!
5/27/2022 - Town Honors SWR Wrestling Team
5/25/2022 - Pep Rally Fun!
5/25/2022 - Wading River School: Stewards of the Local Environment
5/25/2022 - School Safety - A Letter from the School Superintendent
5/24/2022 - Be a Smartie With S.A.D.D.
5/20/2022 - Tri-M Students Share Musical Talents
5/20/2022 - Students Attend University Lecture
5/19/2022 - National Honor Society Induction
5/19/2022 - Duo Honored for S.A.D.D. Club Leadership
5/18/2022 - Nature’s Place in Prodell Project
5/17/2022 - Budget Passes!
5/16/2022 - Wildcats Play Hoops With Heart
5/13/2022 - Scholar-Artists, Musician, and Thespian Award Honorees
5/13/2022 - Outdoor Education for Second Graders
5/12/2022 - Science Research Student-Scholars
5/12/2022 - Recognizing Musical Excellence
5/10/2022 - Encore, Encore!
5/10/2022 - Tenured Educators Honored
5/9/2022 - A Senior Celebration!
5/4/2022 - SWR Budget Newsletter Now Available
5/4/2022 - Prodell Students Love Their Library!
5/3/2022 - Suites, Treats and Philanthropy
5/3/2022 - UPK Lottery Livestream Link
5/3/2022 - Reaching for the Stars at Miller Avenue
5/3/2022 - Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program Information
5/3/2022 - Students Rise to Celebrate SWR Educators
5/2/2022 - Notice of Board Meeting - May 3, 2022
4/29/2022 - Best Time for Girls Track Relay Team
4/28/2022 - Senior Is a Voice for Her Peers
4/27/2022 - Student-Athletes Honored
4/26/2022 - Notice of Board Meeting - April 26, 2022
4/26/2022 - Student-Athletes Honored
4/26/2022 - Real-World Skills for AP2G News Team
4/25/2022 - SWR HS Tri-M Music Honor Society: 5th Annual Suites and Treats Recital - Friday, April 29 at 7 p.m.
4/21/2022 - National Honors!
4/18/2022 - Students Receive County Proclamation
4/15/2022 - Student Council Honored for Fundraising Efforts
4/15/2022 - Creative Video Honors
4/14/2022 - The Sounds of Music at SWR BOE Meeting
4/13/2022 - SWR Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program Applications now being accepted!
4/11/2022 - Notice of Board Meeting - April 12, 2022
4/7/2022 - Kudos to the SWR Wrestling Team!
4/5/2022 - Miller Avenue Students Visit Long Island Museum
4/5/2022 - Top Two Students Named!
4/5/2022 - Bicycle Safety Video Earns Top Honors!
4/4/2022 - Fifth Graders Explore Philadelphia
3/31/2022 - Super Scientists at Miller Avenue!
3/30/2022 - Champions for a Cause
3/29/2022 - Notice of Public Hearing
3/29/2022 - Powerful Performances From Prodell’s No Name Players
3/28/2022 - National History Day Research Presentation
3/28/2022 - Prodell’s Virtual Visit with ‘Fame’ Actor
3/28/2022 - Pin of Excellence!
3/25/2022 - Tenure for Director of Humanities
3/22/2022 - Notice of Board Meeting - March 22, 2022
3/22/2022 - Duo Showcase Vivid Works of Art
3/21/2022 - Art on Public Display for SWR High School Students
3/21/2022 - Students Showcase Artwork
3/18/2022 - Lesson Leaves Valuable Impression
3/17/2022 - Slam Dunk for Girls Basketball
3/15/2022 - Notice of Board Meeting - March 15
3/15/2022 - Local and Global Help From GAC
3/15/2022 - Flamenco Is Art!
3/14/2022 - Prodell Students Excel in SCMEA Festival
3/11/2022 - 2022-2023 Academic Calendar
3/11/2022 - We Are Prodell, A Compassionate Community
3/10/2022 - Art Smart!
3/10/2022 - 2021-2022 Legislative Priorities
3/8/2022 - BOE Meeting Public Notice: March 8, 2022
3/8/2022 - From Artists to Suffragists, Prodell Celebrates Women in History
3/7/2022 - Quill Awards for High School Duo
3/7/2022 - Multi-Layer Contributions
3/7/2022 - Pollworkers Needed
3/3/2022 - Andrew’s Top Run
3/1/2022 - Composer Visits High School Orchestra
3/1/2022 - All-State Honors!
2/28/2022 - Prodell Middle School Musical
2/28/2022 - 100 Days Smarter!
2/23/2022 - D2 Champions!
2/18/2022 - Happy Tails Indeed!
2/18/2022 - Wrestling Champ!
2/17/2022 - Three Cheers!
2/17/2022 - Miller Avenue Scooter Town!
2/16/2022 - Beauty and The Beast – Tonight @ 7 p.m.
2/16/2022 - Public Notice: Audit Committee - Tuesday, March 1, 2022 @ 6:00 PM
2/16/2022 - SWR HERO
2/15/2022 - Valentine's Day Veteran Visit
2/15/2022 - BOE Meeting Public Notice: February 15, 2022
2/15/2022 - A Souper Bowl Celebration!
2/14/2022 - Engineers Teaching Algebra at Prodell
2/10/2022 - Winter 2022 Newsletter
2/10/2022 - SWR Celebrates LISFA Students
2/10/2022 - LISFA Honors for Prodell Students
2/10/2022 - Senior Athletes Honored
2/8/2022 - Prodell’s Chains of Love
2/7/2022 - Fall Student-Athletes Applauded
2/7/2022 - Senior Athletes Recognized
2/4/2022 - Septa Meeting - Tuesday, February 8, 2022 at 7pm
2/4/2022 - Wildcat Pride
2/3/2022 - Celebrating Twos Day!
2/3/2022 - Biography Research Projects
2/2/2022 - Senior Serenades Board of Education
1/31/2022 - BOE Meeting Public Notice: February 1, 2022
1/27/2022 - Emergency Board of Education Meeting, January 27 at 11:00
1/27/2022 - 100th Win for Basketball Coach
1/27/2022 - Action Taken During Emergency Board Meeting
1/27/2022 - Delirium's Daughters Livestream & Program
1/25/2022 - Suffolk Zone Honors!
1/25/2022 - Kindergarten Superpowers!
1/24/2022 - Suffolk Division II Champs!
1/19/2022 - Winding Up Wellness!
1/19/2022 - First Place for Cheer Team!
1/19/2022 - SWRHS Stage Production
1/19/2022 - Toy Drive Success!
1/18/2022 - BOE Meeting - January 18, 2022
1/18/2022 - Wildcat Career Milestone
1/14/2022 - A Celebration of Literacy!
1/13/2022 - 2022-2023 Kindergarten Registration Instructions and Forms
1/13/2022 - The Spinning Sky in Miller Avenue
1/13/2022 - Century Club for Craig Jablonski!
1/12/2022 - Updated Return to School from Shortened Isolation/Quarantine
1/6/2022 - Senior Wrestlers Honored
1/5/2022 - Link for the Jan. 5 Board Meeting
1/5/2022 - IMPORTANT Board of Education Meeting Information
1/5/2022 - Parent Letter/Forms - COVID Test Pick Up
1/4/2022 - Play Pals Create Gingerbread Houses!
1/4/2022 - Using Industry Standards in HS Media Production Lab
1/3/2022 - Poetry Out Loud!
1/3/2022 - Student Artwork Published!
12/23/2021 - Public Notice: Audit Committee - Tuesday, January 11, 2022 @ 6:00 PM
12/23/2021 - Tri-M Students Share Musical Talents
12/22/2021 - A Hometown Hero visits Prodell
12/22/2021 - SWRHS Students Showcase Artwork
12/22/2021 - The Angels Among Us!
12/21/2021 - S.A.D.D. Members Encourage Safe Holidays
12/21/2021 - Prodell on the Radio!
12/17/2021 - Seniors Commit to College Athletics
12/16/2021 - First Place for Wildcat Wrestlers!
12/15/2021 - Cheer Team to Head to Nationals!
12/15/2021 - COVID-19 Vaccination Mandate - Letter to Elected Officials
12/14/2021 - Students Create Cultural Confections!
12/9/2021 - SWR + BNL Collaboration
12/7/2021 - Additional Instructional Time, Grades 6-12
12/6/2021 - New Home for Wildcats Wrestlers
12/3/2021 - Digital Access Survey
12/3/2021 - Lessons on Dark Matter
12/2/2021 - Exploring Biodiversity at SWRHS
11/29/2021 - Board Meeting Notice: Tuesday, November 30, 2021
11/24/2021 - Balloons Over Miller Avenue!
11/24/2021 - SCPD Helicopter Visits Wading River School!
11/23/2021 - Trio Showcase Soccer Skills
11/22/2021 - Public Notice: Space & Facilities Committee - Thursday, December 16, 2021
11/22/2021 - Math Inspires Art
11/22/2021 - Students Study Local Waters
11/19/2021 - New Program: Seal of Biliteracy
11/16/2021 - Trio Take Part in SCALA Exhibit
11/15/2021 - A Gift of Inspiration!
11/15/2021 - Master Classes in SWRHS
11/12/2021 - Prodell MS Honors Veterans
11/12/2021 - Virtual Veteran Visits!
11/12/2021 - NYSCAME Recognition!
11/12/2021 - Virtual Veteran Visit
11/10/2021 - Thank You Veterans!
11/10/2021 - MVP for Tim McQueeney!
11/9/2021 - League Champions!
11/9/2021 - Global Awareness Club: Changemakers on Local Level
11/9/2021 - Miller Avenue Farm
11/8/2021 - Emily Herr Wins Freestyle Swim Events!
11/8/2021 - Four-Legged Protectors Visit Miller Avenue
11/5/2021 - Miller Avenue’s New Wellness Club!
11/5/2021 - 12 Seniors Honored
11/5/2021 - Global Awareness Club Coat Drive
11/3/2021 - HS Fall Comedy Production
11/3/2021 - Space & Facilities Committee Meeting Notice - Wednesday, November 10, 2021
11/2/2021 - Gratitude Is The Best Attitude!
11/1/2021 - Spooky Hallway at Miller Avenue!
11/1/2021 - NATURAL HIGH – Red Ribbon Week
10/29/2021 - Ghosts, Goblins and More!
10/29/2021 - Applause for Senior Volleyball Players
10/28/2021 - SWR Welcomes Dr. Joseph Paolicelli
10/28/2021 - Prodell Upcyclers!
10/27/2021 - Criteria for Safe Removal of Masks - Letter to Elected Officials
10/26/2021 - Students Start with Hello!
10/25/2021 - Board Meeting Notice: October 26, 2021
10/25/2021 - Stop, Drop and Roll!
10/25/2021 - Prodell Students Put Unity in the Community
10/25/2021 - Kindness Prevails for SWR Third Grader
10/22/2021 - Kindness is Essential!
10/22/2021 - Sensational Senior Soccer Players!
10/21/2021 - Varsity Volleyball Players Lauded!
10/21/2021 - Peer Mentoring Students Share Kindness
10/20/2021 - Veterans Day Assembly – All Community Veterans Welcome!
10/20/2021 - Red Ribbon Week
10/20/2021 - Six Seniors Recognized!
10/15/2021 - A is for Art!
10/14/2021 - Fire Prevention Month at Miller Avenue
10/13/2021 - Game. Set. Match.
10/13/2021 - Celebrating Senior Soccer Players!
10/13/2021 - SWR Sister Act!
10/12/2021 - Fire Island Fun!
10/8/2021 - BOE Meeting - Tuesday, October 12, 2021
10/8/2021 - SWR Honored by NYSPHSAA
10/8/2021 - Seniors Recognized as National Merit Commended Students
10/7/2021 - Senior Brings Student Voice to School Board
10/5/2021 - 2021 Summer Projects
10/4/2021 - Public Notice - October 13, 2021
10/1/2021 - SWR Recognizes AP Capstone Diploma Recipients
9/27/2021 - Board of Education Meeting Livestream - September 28, 2021 @ 7PM
9/27/2021 - ‘Brown Bear, Brown Bear’ in Miller Avenue!
9/23/2021 - Use of Federal Stimulus Grant, SWRCSD Presentation, 6/8/21
9/22/2021 - NYSSMA Honors!
9/20/2021 - Audit Committee Meeting - Wednesday, September 29, 2021
9/17/2021 - District Pays Tribute to Retirees
9/17/2021 - COVID Reporting Form
9/16/2021 - Bravo Emily Herr!
9/13/2021 - Shoreham-Wading River recognizes 9/11
9/10/2021 - BOE Meeting - Tuesday, September 14, 2021
9/9/2021 - Sept. 9th 2021 - Emergency Public Board Meeting
9/9/2021 - Getting to Know You in Miller Avenue!
9/8/2021 - Wildcats With Character Spirit Day!
9/7/2021 - Set for a New School Year!
9/3/2021 - Successful Start to the 2021-22 School Year in SWR!
9/2/2021 - Frequently Asked Questions
9/2/2021 - Communication Protocols
9/1/2021 - Welcome To Third Grade!
8/31/2021 - SWR Students Participate SPARK Program
8/30/2021 - Students Present Science Research
8/25/2021 - BOE Presentation for Opening Schools, 2021
8/25/2021 - Opening Schools Plan, 2021
8/24/2021 - Summer Enrichment
8/20/2021 - Public Notice/Livestream - August 24th BOE Meeting
8/17/2021 - WAC Sponsored Blood Drive
8/16/2021 - BOE Meeting Live Stream - August 17
8/13/2021 - Who Can Take a Sunrise?
8/13/2021 - Elementary AIS Program
8/12/2021 - BOE Meeting - Tuesday, August 17, 2021
8/6/2021 - Rounding Out Summer!
7/27/2021 - Pure Imagination!
7/26/2021 - BOE Meeting Live Stream - July 27
7/26/2021 - SWRHS Lauded by NYSPHSAA!
7/22/2021 - Summer Reading Resources
7/22/2021 - Please Join our BOE Advisory Committees
7/16/2021 - Summer Science Research!
7/15/2021 - Wildcat Pride: SWR Names Scholar-Athletes
7/14/2021 - Scholar-Athletes Lauded
7/13/2021 - BOE Trustees Sworn In
7/12/2021 - BOE Meeting - July 12th at 7:00 PM
7/12/2021 - SWR UPK Lottery Drawing - July 13th at 12:00 PM
7/6/2021 - UPK Application Deadline and Lottery Drawing
7/1/2021 - SWRCSD Summer Camp Programs 2021
6/28/2021 - Universal Pre-Kindergarten Program Information
6/28/2021 - 45th Commencement Ceremony
6/24/2021 - With Gratitude to Our 2021 Retirees
6/24/2021 - 8th Grade Moving Up Ceremony Livestream - 5:00 PM
6/24/2021 - Five SCOPE Honorees!
6/23/2021 - Shoreham-Wading River High School Class of 2021 Graduation - Friday, June 25, 2021, 6:45 PM
6/22/2021 - VIDEO: SWR HS Art Show
6/22/2021 - Prodell Duo Selected for Prestigious Math Institute
6/22/2021 - Prodell Presents Spring Musical
6/21/2021 - BOE Meeting - June 22nd, 2021
6/21/2021 - Science on the Sound!
6/18/2021 - VIDEO: SWR Student-Scientist Celia Gaeta!
6/18/2021 - A Fine Arts Future!
6/18/2021 - 74 Seniors Inducted into NHS
6/17/2021 - Summer Special Education Enrichment and Remediation Program
6/17/2021 - Exceptional Academic Seniors!
6/16/2021 - Owen Beran & Mika Misawa Honored by SCSSA
6/16/2021 - A Stroll Down Memory Lane
6/16/2021 - Cymbals: SWRHS Art/Literary Magazine
6/16/2021 - Senior Receives Local Award
6/16/2021 - Virtual Evening of the Arts
6/15/2021 - Revolutionary War Re-Enactment
6/15/2021 - Students Honored by LongHouse Reserve
6/15/2021 - National Honor Society Inductees
6/15/2021 - BOE Thanks Matthew Sperling
6/14/2021 - UPK Community Letter
6/11/2021 - Sophomore Places at Golf Championships
6/10/2021 - Investigation, Experimentation, and Observation in Prodell Middle School's Greenhouse
6/9/2021 - Tenured Educators Honored
6/9/2021 - Students Present Research
6/9/2021 - Seniors Participate in Peer Justice Program
6/8/2021 - In-Person Instruction at Pre-K To Grade 12 Schools During Covid-19 Public Health Emergency Information
6/8/2021 - Student-Scientists Present to BOE
6/8/2021 - Students Lauded by Suffolk County Legislator
6/7/2021 - BOE Meeting - June 8th, 2021
6/7/2021 - Spring Newsletter Now Available
5/28/2021 - Prodell Students Honored by VFW
5/27/2021 - Gettysburg Virtual Visit
5/26/2021 - VIDEO: Buddy Poppy Program
5/26/2021 - Learning from a Local Businessman
5/25/2021 - Festive Field Day!
5/24/2021 - BOE Meeting - May 25th, 2021
5/24/2021 - Letter from the Superintendent and Board of Education to Governor Cuomo regarding outside mask use
5/24/2021 - SWR Names Top Three Students!
5/21/2021 - The Shoreham-Wading River HS Drama Club Presents: An Evening With Shakespeare
5/20/2021 - Undefeated!
5/20/2021 - BOE Honors Emily Herr
5/19/2021 - The Drama Club of Shoreham-Wading River High School proudly presents: An Evening With Shakespeare
5/19/2021 - Science Fair Winners!
5/18/2021 - SWR Parent Academy
5/18/2021 - Budget Vote and Election Results
5/17/2021 - BOE Meeting - May 18, 2021 9:00 PM
5/17/2021 - Post-Season Awards for Basketball Players
5/17/2021 - Wildcats Honored!
5/14/2021 - SWR’S Wonderful WAC!
5/14/2021 - A sweet treat for Miller Avenue students
5/13/2021 - Tri-M Honor Society Induction Ceremony
5/13/2021 - Wading River School LOVES the Earth!
5/11/2021 - ENL Spring Family Literacy and Field Day
5/11/2021 - High School Ranked on National List
5/11/2021 - Students Inspired by Art and Nature
5/10/2021 - LIVESTREAM LINK for Tri-M Honor Society Induction Ceremony Wednesday, May 12 at 7 pm
5/7/2021 - Softball Field Ribbon Cutting
5/6/2021 - Mastery Award for Mr. Michael Lewis
5/3/2021 - BOE Meeting - May 4th, 2021
5/3/2021 - The Review – Budget 2021
4/30/2021 - Making a Difference in Prodell
4/29/2021 - Three in A Row!
4/28/2021 - Blake Wehr Lauded by BOE
4/28/2021 - Student-Leader Addresses BOE
4/27/2021 - National Best Community for Music Education!
4/27/2021 - Emily Herr’s Swim Success
4/27/2021 - LISFA Honors
4/27/2021 - Prodell LISFA Pride!
4/23/2021 - SWR Celebrates Earth Day!
4/21/2021 - Unique Musical Lesson
4/20/2021 - HS Tri-M Music Honor Society 4th Annual Suites and Treats Recital
4/19/2021 - BOE Meeting Livestream - April 20, 2021
4/16/2021 - Parent Academy Virtual Workshop - June 2, 2021 @ 7pm
4/16/2021 - Air Force Veteran Meets Virtually With Prodell Students
4/15/2021 - BOE Meeting Livestream - April 15
4/12/2021 - Demonstrating Creativity in Diverse Media at Parrish Art Museum
4/9/2021 - SWR Lights it Up Blue!
4/9/2021 - Girls Volleyball Players Celebrated
4/7/2021 - Senior Volleyball Players Lauded
4/7/2021 - NYSSMA 2020 Virtual All-State Concert – April 11, 2021 @ 4 PM
4/7/2021 - Senior Athletes Celebrated!
4/6/2021 - Senior Soccer Players Honored
4/6/2021 - VIDEO: Peer Mentoring
4/1/2021 - Students on The Air!
3/29/2021 - 20 Years of Gratitude
3/26/2021 - A Virtual Visit from Renowned Musician
3/26/2021 - Spreading Good Vibes!
3/25/2021 - Students Take Down Tobacco
3/25/2021 - VIDEO: SWR Library Services
3/25/2021 - Students Air their Accomplishments
3/24/2021 - New Job Postings
3/23/2021 - Students Succeed in Agricultural Education
3/23/2021 - Student Council Making a Difference
3/22/2021 - Students Recognized for Historic Microgravity Experiment
3/22/2021 - Bravo Boys!
3/19/2021 - Kevin Culhane Honored BY BOE
3/19/2021 - Congratulations!
3/19/2021 - Second graders Share Hearts of Gold
3/18/2021 - Parent Letter from Mr. Poole re: Contact Tracing & Travel Restrictions.
3/18/2021 - Seniors Provide Service to the Riverhead Youth Court
3/15/2021 - BOE Meeting Livestream - March 16th, 2021
3/15/2021 - Mutually Assured Destruction - 10 Plays About Brothers and Sisters
3/15/2021 - BOE Honors Wildcat Wrestling Team
3/12/2021 - KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION has been extended through Friday, March 26th.
3/12/2021 - District Boasts Coach of the Year
3/12/2021 - Engaging in Class Discussions
3/10/2021 - Senior Advances to National Merit Finalist Standing
3/10/2021 - Winter Newsletter Now Available
3/8/2021 - BOE Meeting Live Stream - March 9
3/5/2021 - Quill Award for Sophomore
3/4/2021 - Virtual Press Day!
3/2/2021 - Dr. Seuss-Inspired Spirit Week!
3/1/2021 - The Importance of Life Goals
2/26/2021 - Senior-Athlete Rachael Sereno Celebrated!
2/25/2021 - Senior Wildcat Wrestlers Lauded
2/24/2021 - Letter to NYS Legislators - HS Graduation Ceremony Restrictions
2/23/2021 - Bravo Boys!
2/22/2021 - BOE Meeting Livestream - Feb. 23, 2021
2/22/2021 - Checks and Balances at Wading River School
2/19/2021 - We’ve Got the Beat!
2/18/2021 - Elementary Student Empowerment
2/12/2021 - Early College Program: SWRCSD Partnership with SCCC
2/10/2021 - Wading River’s Singing Meteorologist
2/10/2021 - Shared Musical Passions for Tri-M Students
2/9/2021 - NYSSMA 2021 - A Guide for Parents and Students
2/8/2021 - A Musical Master at Prodell!
2/8/2021 - Message from Supt. Poole - Contact Tracing Gr. K-5
2/5/2021 - Bringing Literature to Life
2/5/2021 - Veteran Zooms with MOIP Class
2/4/2021 - 2020-2021 Legislative Priorities
2/4/2021 - NYSCAME Honors
2/4/2021 - Senior Selected to NAfME Honors Orchestra
2/3/2021 - A Step Back in Time
2/3/2021 - Good Deeds for Dogs!
2/2/2021 - Parent Letter re: High Risk Sports
2/1/2021 - BOE Meeting - February 2nd, 2021 Livestream
1/29/2021 - View Board Meeting Agendas and Minutes
1/29/2021 - February 2, 2021 Public Notice
1/29/2021 - Wading River Students Virtually Meet Astronaut!
1/29/2021 - Cultivating Creativity!
1/28/2021 - High School Trio Exhibit Virtually
1/26/2021 - How to Propel at Prodell
1/22/2021 - SWR’s Guiding Pillars
1/22/2021 - Senior Named Semifinalist in National Competition
1/19/2021 - Students’ Community Service Project Gives Hope
1/11/2021 - Musical Magic, Magical Music!
1/7/2021 - Senior Designs Poster Campaign
1/4/2021 - BOE Meeting - January 5
12/30/2020 - Space & Facilities Committee Meeting Notice - January 21, 2021
12/18/2020 - Team-Building Breakout!
12/16/2020 - Carter Rubin Wins ‘The Voice’
12/15/2020 - Important Information: Snow Storm Forecast
12/14/2020 - Carter Rubin Virtually Meets Second Graders!
12/10/2020 - Two Seniors Honored by NYSAHPERD
12/8/2020 - Seniors Commit to College
12/8/2020 - Senior Presents Research in BNL Program
12/7/2020 - High School - Come soar with Sora!
12/7/2020 - Middle School - Come soar with Sora!
12/3/2020 - A Seasonal Science Lesson
12/2/2020 - Student-Artists Inspired by Literature
11/30/2020 - New Ex-Officio Student Board Member, Matthew Sperling
11/25/2020 - Public Notice - Audit Committee Meeting 12/17/20
11/25/2020 - A Milestone Accomplishment
11/25/2020 - Latest COVID-19 News - Letter from Supt. Poole
11/23/2020 - Student Travel Advisory - Letter from Supt. Poole
11/18/2020 - COVID-19 Update from SCDH Commissioner
11/17/2020 - An Educational Adventure!
11/16/2020 - EARLY DISMISSAL DRILL - NOVEMBER 24, 2020
11/16/2020 - Proudly Presenting Personal Narratives!
11/16/2020 - Prodell Educator Serves as Clinician at Virtual Music Festival
11/13/2020 - Public Notice - November 17, 2020 BOE Meeting
11/13/2020 - Day Brighteners!
11/12/2020 - Superintendent’s Message Regarding Social Media Video
11/12/2020 - Student’s Action to Benefit School Community
11/10/2020 - Important Messages from the Superintendent of Schools regarding COVID-19
11/10/2020 - Supporting the arts, music, theater & special education is easy as PIE!!!
11/9/2020 - Public Notice - November 10, 2020 BOE Meeting
11/5/2020 - Developing Well-Structured Stories!
11/4/2020 - It Takes a Village!
11/3/2020 - Prodell's Red Ribbon Promises
11/2/2020 - Substitute Teachers Needed - All Certification areas K-12
11/2/2020 - High School Boasts National Merit Semifinalist!
11/1/2020 - HS Closed for In-Person Learning through Nov. 11
10/28/2020 - Lauding Leadership!
10/28/2020 - Global Awareness Club Members Assist on Local Level
10/27/2020 - Recognizing Musical Excellence at SWR High School
10/27/2020 - Recognizing Musical Excellence!
10/26/2020 - Sharing A Lesson on Space
10/22/2020 - BOE Praised During School Board Recognition Week
10/21/2020 - Students Delve Deeper with Library Resources
10/19/2020 - With Gratitude
10/19/2020 - Students Explore the Properties of Matter
10/16/2020 - BOE October 20, 2020 Public Notice and Livestream
10/15/2020 - Sophomore Carter Rubin on “The Voice”
10/14/2020 - Purchase a Senior Dedication Today!
10/13/2020 - Coaches Honored for Hall of Fame Induction
10/13/2020 - Notice of Audit Committee Meeting, December 17, 2020
10/9/2020 - BOE Honors Educational Service Award Recipients
10/8/2020 - Nature and Notes Combined!
10/7/2020 - Board of Education Bids Farewell to Retirees
10/2/2020 - October 5, 2020 Policy Committee Meeting Public Notice
10/2/2020 - October 6, 2020 Regular Meeting Public Notice and Livestream
10/1/2020 - BookDash Is Born!
10/1/2020 - SWR Parent Academy
9/29/2020 - State Honors for Science Teacher!
9/25/2020 - Reporting a Positive COVID 19 Test to the District
9/24/2020 - Four Seniors Selected for NYSSMA Virtual Concert
9/23/2020 - Senior Owen Beran Recognized as National Merit Commended Student
9/22/2020 - SWRHS Virtual Open House - 9/24 @ 6:45pm
9/21/2020 - September 22, 2020 BOE Meeting Public Notice/Livestream
9/21/2020 - Wading River School Virtual Open House 9/23
9/21/2020 - Audit Committee Meeting - October 13, 2020
9/18/2020 - Briarcliff School Virtual Open House
9/18/2020 - Miller Avenue Virtual Open House
9/18/2020 - 2020 Census
9/18/2020 - Students Recognize Constitution Day
9/17/2020 - Vote to Select Official Patches for SSEP Mission 14 to ISS!
9/17/2020 - Pre-order Lunch Program
9/16/2020 - Middle School Virtual Back to School Night
9/14/2020 - Return to Interscholastic Athletics
9/10/2020 - NYSPHSAA News Announcement - Fall Season
9/9/2020 - Successful SWR First Day!
9/8/2020 - SWR & BNL Collaboration
9/7/2020 - Welcome Back to School!
9/4/2020 - Public Notice for September 8, 2020 Board Meeting
9/3/2020 - Board of Education Meeting Livestream - September 8
9/3/2020 - SWR Wildcats Celebrated!
8/31/2020 - Livestream and Public Notice for September 1, 2020 Board Meeting
8/25/2020 - Board of Education Meeting - August 25, 2020 at 7:00 PM
8/24/2020 - Board of Education Executive Session Monday, August 24 - 5 pm - High School Library
8/20/2020 - Thursday, August 20, 2020 Emergency Board of Education Executive Session 8 pm - Shoreham-Wading River High School Library
8/20/2020 - Summer Newsletter Now Available!
8/17/2020 - BOE Meeting Livestream
8/14/2020 - Congratulations!
8/3/2020 - Re-Opening our School Buildings
7/31/2020 - Carlie Cutinella Named to NYS Student Advisory Committee
7/30/2020 - Student Featured in Online Photo Exhibit
7/28/2020 - SWRHS NYSPHSAA School of Excellence
7/27/2020 - Special Board of Education Meeting - Tuesday, July 28 7 PM
7/22/2020 - Special Board of Education Meeting - July 23
7/22/2020 - Special Board of Education Meeting: Thursday, July 23 – 7 pm via LIVESTREAM
7/18/2020 - 2020-2021 District-Wide School Safety Plan Draft
7/17/2020 - Re-Opening Schools Information
7/13/2020 - Notice: Reorganizational Meeting and Regular Public Session Meeting - July 14
7/2/2020 - Summer Reading Resources
6/30/2020 - Notice of Executive Session - July 2
6/29/2020 - Congratulations to the Class of 2020!
6/26/2020 - Subject Area Awards - Outstanding Achievement
6/26/2020 - Virtual Graduation Ceremonies
6/25/2020 - Varsity Athletic Awards
6/25/2020 - Grade 8 Slide Show 6/25/20
6/25/2020 - Albert G. Prodell Middle School Grade 8 Moving Up Ceremony 6/25/20
6/24/2020 - Class of 2020 Fine Arts Recognition
6/23/2020 - Senior Slideshow
6/22/2020 - Senior Recognition Night
6/22/2020 - Public Notice for June 23, 2020 Board Meeting
6/19/2020 - Statement on District Values
6/16/2020 - Budget Results
6/15/2020 - Public Notice for June 17, 2020 Board Meeting
6/15/2020 - Virtual Orchestra
6/10/2020 - Important Information - School Budget Vote
6/8/2020 - Friday June 12, 2020 - Senior Send-Off: Student Directions
6/8/2020 - SWRHS Tri-M - Suites and Treats Recital
6/5/2020 - Board of Education Meeting Notice - June 9, 2020
6/2/2020 - SWR Board of Education Candidate Bios
5/29/2020 - Notice of June 2, 2020 Executive Session
5/29/2020 - Click here for Budget Information
5/29/2020 - SWR Virtual STEAM Symposium
5/28/2020 - Budget Newsletter Now Available
5/26/2020 - Public Notice for May 26, 2020 Board Meeting
5/19/2020 - School Closure Related Resources
5/18/2020 - Public Notice for May 19, 2020 Board Meeting
5/14/2020 - Top Two Students of 2020!
5/13/2020 - STEAM Symposium
5/5/2020 - Important Notice on BOE Elections and Nominating Petition
5/4/2020 - Public Notice for May 5, 2020 Board Meeting
4/29/2020 - Space and Facilities Committee Meeting Wednesday, May 6, 2020 6:00 PM
4/24/2020 - Public Notice for April 28, 2020 Board Meeting
4/23/2020 - Message from Section XI Executive Director
4/15/2020 - Best Community for Music Education!
4/10/2020 - Public Notice for April 14, 2020 Board Meeting
4/8/2020 - Lawn Signs
4/6/2020 - Public Meeting Notice for the April 8, 2020 Board of Education Meeting
3/31/2020 - Important Notice on the 2020 Budget Vote and BOE Elections:
3/29/2020 - Public Notice for March 31 Board Meeting
3/26/2020 - Distance Learning Resource Center
3/26/2020 - 2019-2020 Calendar Update
3/26/2020 - Daycare & Food Services Information
3/25/2020 - Distance Learning Tips for Parents
3/25/2020 - Coronavirus Information
3/24/2020 - Notice of Board of Education Meeting - March 25 via Videoconference
3/23/2020 - Public Notice - Board Meeting March 25
3/21/2020 - World Down Syndrome Day
3/18/2020 - WHAM Creative Contest
3/17/2020 - SWRCSD Daycare Survey for Medical Professionals and Emergency Service Providers
3/16/2020 - Coronavirus Updates and Resources
3/13/2020 - Board of Education Public Notice - March 13, 2020
3/13/2020 - CHANGE OF DATE Public Notice - March 17, 2020 Regular Public Meeting
3/12/2020 - 2020 Nominating Board Candidate Packets Available
3/10/2020 - National Foreign Language Week Celebrated!
3/10/2020 - SWR Educator Honored by Harvard Club
3/10/2020 - SWR Welcomes Regent Roger Tilles
3/9/2020 - Important Message from the Superintendent
3/9/2020 - Coronavirus Alert Update
3/6/2020 - Coronavirus - 3/6/20
3/6/2020 - Informational Workshop - Vaping
3/6/2020 - Student-Musicians Perform at Tilles Center
3/5/2020 - Winter Newsletter Now Available
3/3/2020 - Save The Date
2/28/2020 - Girls Soccer Team Nationally Ranked!
2/27/2020 - Prodell to Present ‘Shrek The Musical JR.’
2/26/2020 - AP Seminar Students Reflect on Happiness
2/25/2020 - Building a Community of Leaders at GSA Conference
2/24/2020 - SWR Music Makers
2/14/2020 - 5th Annual STEAM Symposium
2/14/2020 - 100 Days of School
2/13/2020 - SWRHS Students Reflect on Commitment to Health
2/12/2020 - Celebrating Our Boys Basketball Seniors
2/10/2020 - Wildcat Pause
2/7/2020 - Audit Committee Meeting
2/6/2020 - Play Pals Club Showcase New T-shirts!
2/5/2020 - Student-Run Theatrical Performance on SWRHS Stage
2/4/2020 - Miller Avenue Student Council Welcomes Four-Legged Friend
2/3/2020 - Cultivating Creativity for High School Art Students
1/31/2020 - LISFA Intermediate Concert for Student-Musicians!
1/29/2020 - Advanced Placement Collaboration
1/29/2020 - Music Students Lift Spirits at LISFA
1/23/2020 - Miller Avenue’s New Coding Club
1/21/2020 - OPWDD Information Session
1/17/2020 - 2nd Annual Wellness Fair
1/17/2020 - Prodell’s Booktalk: An Enriching Literary Collaboration
1/17/2020 - Wildcat Champs Honored by Town Council
1/16/2020 - DNA and RNA With Google Expeditions
1/15/2020 - Fashion in the Field
1/14/2020 - Ring Ceremony Honors 2019 State Champs
1/13/2020 - Living History Day 2020
1/6/2020 - Trading Places!
1/3/2020 - Students Collaborate on Ancient Athens Lessons
1/2/2020 - Music Educator Conducts at Music Festival
1/2/2020 - High School Musical Expressions!
1/2/2020 - Wildcat Wrestlers Place Second in 11-Team Dual Meet
12/23/2019 - Gifts of Kindness
12/23/2019 - Musical Magic at Wading River School
12/20/2019 - SWR Coding video
12/20/2019 - Reading, Writing and All Things STEM…
12/19/2019 - Radio Program Spotlights Unique STEAM Initiative
12/19/2019 - Honoring SWR Scholar-Athletes
12/18/2019 - A Celebration of Cultures!
12/18/2019 - Coding’s Creative Side at Miller Avenue!
12/17/2019 - Miller Avenue Is an Eco-cool School!
12/17/2019 - Prodell Leadership Club Creates Holiday Cards of Kindness
12/16/2019 - National Blue Ribbon Celebration - Dec 17
12/12/2019 - Kindergarten Registration by Appointment
12/10/2019 - Notice of Audit Committee Session - December 17, 2019
12/9/2019 - Duo Honored for Leadership and Character
12/6/2019 - ENL Family Literacy Night
12/6/2019 - Letter from SWRCSD to Elected Officials: Proposed HPV Vaccination Legislation
12/4/2019 - Developing Science Proficiency Through ADI
12/2/2019 - Inspiring Student Interest in STEM Healthcare Careers
12/2/2019 - Long Island Class IV Champs!
11/26/2019 - Seniors Sign to Play at College Level
11/25/2019 - Students Say Yes to Yoga
11/22/2019 - Students Explore Leadership and Diversity
11/22/2019 - Harmonious Hands-on Learning at Miller Avenue
11/21/2019 - Prodell Educator Leads County Music Workshop
11/21/2019 - Prodell’s Notable Tribute to Veterans
11/20/2019 - Congratulations!
11/19/2019 - Red Ribbon Promises at Prodell
11/19/2019 - Real-World Connections for SWR HS Students
11/18/2019 - SWR HS Fall Concert
11/18/2019 - Enhancing Communication Skills
11/15/2019 - A Visionary Event for Student Leaders
11/13/2019 - Readying for Robotics Competition
11/12/2019 - SSEP Training Continues!
11/12/2019 - Inspiring Wading River Artists!
11/8/2019 - School-to-Community Partnership
11/7/2019 - ‘Mama Mia’ on Stage at SWR HS!
11/7/2019 - A Celebration of the French Language
11/6/2019 - Briarcliff Property Update – Nov. 6
11/6/2019 - High School Yearbooks Now Available
11/6/2019 - Class A Champs!
10/31/2019 - An Interactive & Informative Safe Halloween
10/30/2019 - High School Presents ‘Mama Mia’
10/29/2019 - Student-Musicians in the Community!
10/22/2019 - Empowering Healthy Decision-Making Skills at Prodell
10/22/2019 - SWR Senior Stephanie Searing Represents Peers
10/21/2019 - NHS hosts Organ Donor Enrollment Day
10/21/2019 - College Athletic Informational Meeting
10/18/2019 - Students Honor Board of Education Members
10/17/2019 - Five Senior SWR Wildcats Celebrated
10/15/2019 - Perfecting their Craft at Prodell
10/15/2019 - SWR Student Scientific Leaders
10/11/2019 - A Fond Farewell
10/11/2019 - Analyzing Physical Evidence at SWR HS
10/10/2019 - Homecoming Game
10/10/2019 - Accolades for 32 AP Scholars!
10/7/2019 - Public Notice - Technology Committee Meeting - October 17
10/3/2019 - Music Educator to Present at State Conference
10/3/2019 - Out of this World!
10/2/2019 - Developing Science Proficiency at Prodell
9/30/2019 - Notice of Audit Committee Meeting - October 10, 2019
9/27/2019 - Congress of Future Medical Leaders for Two Seniors
9/26/2019 - VIDEO: Blue Ribbon
9/25/2019 - Two Seniors Named National Merit Commended Students
9/24/2019 - College Information Night & Open House
9/24/2019 - SWR Six Selected to State Music Conference
9/23/2019 - A Safe Trip Aboard Safety Sally!
9/19/2019 - Read All About It!
9/18/2019 - Way to Go!
9/18/2019 - Congratulations!
9/17/2019 - Open House
9/16/2019 - Public Notice - 9/16/19 Emergency Executive Session
9/16/2019 - Open House
9/16/2019 - Wading River School: Together We Are Stronger
9/16/2019 - Freshmen Book Tasting!
9/13/2019 - Two Schools Lauded by BOE for NYS Honors
9/12/2019 - Public Notice - Change of Board Meeting Start Time - September 24
9/12/2019 - Engaging the Next Generation of Scientists and Engineers!
9/12/2019 - Read All About It!
9/11/2019 - Public Notice - Policy Committee Meeting - September 25
9/10/2019 - Open House
9/10/2019 - Welcome!
9/9/2019 - Notice of Emergency Executive Session - September 9
9/9/2019 - High School Fall Musical Sneak Peak
9/6/2019 - Celebrated for a Commitment to SWR Students
9/5/2019 - Notice of Emergency Executive Session - September 5
9/4/2019 - Students Return, Ready to Learn!
9/4/2019 - SWR Staff Readies for 2019-20 School Year
9/3/2019 - HS Parking Lot Guide
8/30/2019 - Notice of Emergency Board of Education Meeting - August 30, 2019
8/30/2019 - First Day of School
8/23/2019 - Fitness Center Update – August 2019
8/23/2019 - Briarcliff Update – August 2019
8/21/2019 - SWR HS Trio Contribute to the Scientific Community
8/16/2019 - New Student Registration
8/15/2019 - SWR Magic on Stage!
8/15/2019 - Congratulations!
8/14/2019 - Congratulations 2019 Graduate!
8/14/2019 - No. 1 Team
8/12/2019 - Summer Theatre Arts to Stage Three Musicals!
8/10/2019 - Emergency Board of Education Meeting – Monday, August 12
8/9/2019 - Free & Reduced Lunch Information & Application
8/8/2019 - Come support our Young Adult Theater Group and see Pippin!
8/8/2019 - Senior Photos
8/7/2019 - Congratulations Wildcat!
8/2/2019 - Public Notice - 8/7/19 Board of Education Meeting
8/1/2019 - Summer Newsletter Now Available
7/31/2019 - Wildcats Helping Art and Music
7/30/2019 - Rising Junior is also a Rising High Jumper!
7/16/2019 - VIDEO: SWR In The News
7/12/2019 - Public Notice - 7/23/19 Board of Education Meeting
7/11/2019 - Shoreham-Wading River Board of Education Welcomes New Trustees
7/9/2019 - District-Wide School Safety Plan
7/3/2019 - Two SWR Schools Recognized by State Education Department
7/1/2019 - Class of 2019 Begins the Next Chapter
6/28/2019 - A Passion for the Past
6/28/2019 - District Welcomes New Assistant Principal
6/28/2019 - Music Matters at Miller Avenue
6/28/2019 - Showing Skills of Speech Preparation at Regional Competition
6/27/2019 - Notice of Public Hearing for Revisions to District wide Safety Plan - July 8, 2019
6/27/2019 - Senior Excels in Regional and State Competition
6/27/2019 - Strategic Plan Adopted
6/26/2019 - Elementary Duo Honored by BOE, Legislator Anker
6/26/2019 - VFW 6249 Teacher of the Year
6/26/2019 - GSA Club Leaders Present Update to BOE
6/25/2019 - High School Exams Important Notice
6/24/2019 - BREAKOUT EDU
6/19/2019 - HS Summer Renovations - Staff Contact Information
6/17/2019 - Innovations and musical creations at Annual STEAM Symposium
6/14/2019 - A Showcase of AP Research Projects
6/13/2019 - Honored for Integrity & Character
6/12/2019 - Applying ‘Big Science’ at SWR High School
6/12/2019 - Fine Arts Students Continue Their Studies in College
6/12/2019 - Senior Earns Brookhaven Science Associates Scholarship
6/11/2019 - Inspiring and Recognizing Musical Excellence
6/11/2019 - Father’s Day
6/11/2019 - Spring Newsletter Now Available
6/11/2019 - Students as Ocean Stewards
6/10/2019 - Senior Presents Eagle Scout Project
6/10/2019 - Notice of Space and Facilities Committee Meeting - June 17
6/10/2019 - Way to Go!
6/7/2019 - VIDEO: Fashion Design
6/7/2019 - Seniors Commit to College Sports
6/6/2019 - Drafted by the White Sox!
6/6/2019 - Notice of Board Meeting Location Change - June 25
6/5/2019 - Watch It Live!
6/4/2019 - Unique Educational Experience
6/3/2019 - Meet our Top Two Students
6/3/2019 - Virtual Versailles at SWR High School
6/1/2019 - NYS STAR Update Information
5/30/2019 - LISFA Studio Award for Sophomore
5/30/2019 - Notice of Reorganization Meeting - July 8
5/30/2019 - Senior Performs with Innovative Chamber Orchestra
5/29/2019 - SWR Bids Farewell to Retirees
5/29/2019 - Miller Avenue School Principal Appointed
5/29/2019 - Gratification of Giving
5/28/2019 - Notice of Safety Committee Meeting - June 5
5/28/2019 - Notice of Strategic Planning Committee Meeting - June 6
5/28/2019 - Seniors Provide Service to the Riverhead Youth Court System
5/27/2019 - Giving Thanks!
5/23/2019 - Tenured Educators Named
5/23/2019 - Talented Trio Earn Riverhead Women’s Club Scholarships
5/22/2019 - Barcode Long Island Project
5/22/2019 - Guiding Students to Overall Wellness
5/21/2019 - Japanese Legends Inspire Clay Creations
5/20/2019 - Blood Drive
5/20/2019 - Notice of Policy Committee Meeting - May 29
5/20/2019 - Prodell Orchestra Students Perform at Tesla Benefit
5/17/2019 - An Evening of SWR STEAM
5/17/2019 - Greetings from Philadelphia!
5/17/2019 - Sharing a Positive Culture at Prodell
5/16/2019 - Prodell’s Christian Club Demonstrates Kindness and Charity to All
5/16/2019 - Social Studies Enrichment at Prodell
5/15/2019 - Public Notice - 5/21/19 Budget Vote and Board Election Meeting
5/15/2019 - S.A.D.D. Club Members Share Important Messages
5/14/2019 - SWR Shows Off STEAM Projects to East End Educators
5/14/2019 - Meet the Candidates – 5/13/19
5/14/2019 - Students Honored for WISE Participation
5/13/2019 - Student Council Delivers Smiles and Gifts to Children’s Hospital
5/13/2019 - Duo from Miller Avenue Named BNL Science Fair Winners
5/10/2019 - SWR Boasts National Board-Certified Teacher
5/10/2019 - Character Counts Tenfold at Wading River School
5/10/2019 - Inspiring healthcare leaders of the future
5/9/2019 - A Legacy is Built with Community Support
5/9/2019 - To the Moon and Back: Virtual Reality at Prodell Middle School
5/8/2019 - S.A.D.D. Car Wash
5/8/2019 - Lab Lessons in Living Environment
5/7/2019 - The Scientific Method at Work
5/7/2019 - A Positive Ecological Impact
5/7/2019 - Senior Honored for Swimming Feats
5/6/2019 - Budget Newsletter Now Available
5/6/2019 - Sophomore Places in Congressional Art Competition
5/3/2019 - Honoring Student-Musicians
5/3/2019 - Supplementing Social Studies Lessons
5/2/2019 - Seniors Featured in Newsday
5/2/2019 - MEET THE CANDIDATES NIGHT - May 13, 2019
5/2/2019 - Students Present at Long Island Science Congress
5/1/2019 - Making the Earth a Healthier Place
5/1/2019 - Please Vote!
4/30/2019 - VIDEO: National Volunteer Appreciation Month
4/29/2019 - Notice of Audit Committee Meeting - May 8
4/29/2019 - A Musical Master
4/22/2019 - Eagle Scout
4/19/2019 - Enhancing Presentation Skills
4/18/2019 - Public Notice - 4/29/19 Board of Education Meeting
4/18/2019 - How our Vertical Garden Grows
4/17/2019 - Way to Go!
4/16/2019 - Board of Education Honors Former Trustee
4/16/2019 - Congratulations!
4/15/2019 - Advances in STEM Research
4/12/2019 - 1206 Books Strong
4/12/2019 - National History Day
4/11/2019 - Musical Memories and Helping Hands
4/10/2019 - Buddy Bowls are a Community Event
4/10/2019 - Making the Match
4/9/2019 - Exploring the Growth Mindset
4/8/2019 - Clue On Stage
4/8/2019 - Pennies for Patients
4/5/2019 - Spring has sprung!
4/4/2019 - Lessons in the Realtor Market
4/3/2019 - District Hosts SCMEA Festival
4/2/2019 - VIDEO: Eureka Math
4/2/2019 - Possibilities are Endless with Author Kathryn Otoshi
4/2/2019 - Eureka Math
4/2/2019 - Wading River Students are Stronger Together
4/1/2019 - Festive Celebration for French Class
4/1/2019 - Understanding Global Social Issues during National Foreign Language Week
3/29/2019 - District’s Newest Cohort of Young Scientists!
3/29/2019 - Choices and Consequences at SWR High School
3/29/2019 - Honored for Dedication to Education
3/28/2019 - A Voice of Her Peers
3/27/2019 - Upstander Training for GSA Club
3/26/2019 - Perseverance Leads to Resolution #1819-249
3/25/2019 - Olympic Dreams Coming to Fruition
3/22/2019 - Three DECA Students Qualify for International Career Development Conference
3/21/2019 - Senior Performs at SCMEA Festival
3/21/2019 - Putting on their Thinking Caps
3/20/2019 - BOE Honors Varsity Athletes
3/19/2019 - Lunch with the Principal
3/18/2019 - Resignation of BOE Trustee Erin Hunt
3/15/2019 - New Dimensions to Learning
3/15/2019 - Suites & Treats
3/15/2019 - Understanding Complex, Academic Sources
3/15/2019 - ‘The Resource Force’
3/14/2019 - Save The Date - The Wiz
3/14/2019 - Enhancing Science Research Opportunities
3/13/2019 - Catch The Wellness Wave! - March 30th
3/11/2019 - Public Notice - 3/20/19 Safety Committee Meeting
3/11/2019 - Prodell Student Leaders Address Board of Education
3/8/2019 - Prodell Promotes Positive Choices During Wellness Week
3/8/2019 - National Foreign Language Week
3/7/2019 - Sharing Methods of Inquiry and Presentation with BOE Members
3/6/2019 - Winter Concert
3/5/2019 - Plaque Dedication at Prodell
3/4/2019 - Congratulations!
3/1/2019 - Promoting Purpose and Pride
2/28/2019 - SWR Students Motivated by Music!
2/28/2019 - Public Notice - 3/19/19 Board of Education Meeting Cancelled
2/28/2019 - Tri-M Students Share Talents in the Community
2/22/2019 - Creativity and collaboration in High School’s Makerspace
2/22/2019 - The Science and Art of Bubbles
2/21/2019 - Exploring Technology Careers
2/15/2019 - Eureka Math Parent Workshop
2/15/2019 - #SWRPROUD
2/13/2019 - Strategic Planning Focus Group Meeting – NEW DATE!
2/13/2019 - Public Notice - 2/26/19 Board of Education Meeting
2/12/2019 - Important Early Dismissal Notice
2/7/2019 - Canine Comedy at SWR High School
2/7/2019 - Catch the Wellness Wave!
2/7/2019 - SWR’s Outdoor Classroom
2/6/2019 - Student Support Counselor Welcomed
2/5/2019 - Critical Thinking and Collaboration
2/5/2019 - Talk of Tesla at Prodell History Club
2/4/2019 - Statistical Analysis Methods for Research Students
2/4/2019 - Science and Fun Go Hand in Hand with ‘Mr. Fish’
2/1/2019 - Authentic Language, Authentic Learning
2/1/2019 - Mindfulness in Motion
1/31/2019 - An exploration of Native American History
1/30/2019 - AP Students Review Peers’ Draft Research
1/30/2019 - AP Students Make Bacteria Glow
1/29/2019 - SWaRt Café!
1/28/2019 - Public Notice - 2/4/19 Legislative Committee Meeting
1/28/2019 - Prodell Middle School invites community speakers to Living History Day
1/25/2019 - School-to-Community Partnership
1/25/2019 - DECA Dozen Gain Key Leadership Skills
1/24/2019 - Kidsday Reporters!
1/24/2019 - Grant Gratitude
1/23/2019 - Understanding the Five Basic Freedoms
1/23/2019 - Advanced Visions of SWR Art Students
1/22/2019 - Public Notice - 1/30/19 Safety Committee Meeting
1/22/2019 - Scholar-athletes Commended by Board of Education
1/17/2019 - Read All About it!
1/16/2019 - Furthering the groundwork for careers in agronomy and sustainability
1/14/2019 - VIDEO: Yoga!
1/14/2019 - School-to-Community
1/9/2019 - Superintendent's Office Hours
1/8/2019 - Nonfiction Reading Experts!
1/7/2019 - SWR Pride
1/5/2019 - Sharing Kindness with Shelter Pets!
1/4/2019 - SWR PTA Council Presents: “Survival Tips for Parenting your iGen Teenager
1/3/2019 - Public Notice - 1/17/19 Policy Committee meeting
1/3/2019 - Booktalk
1/2/2019 - Public Notice of Audit Committee meeting - January 15, 2019
1/2/2019 - Historic Simulation at Prodell
12/27/2018 - Legislative Committee Meeting - January 7, 2019
12/21/2018 - Holiday Video
12/21/2018 - Ugly Sweaters Galore!
12/20/2018 - Greetings from MOMA!
12/17/2018 - Sounds of the Season
12/14/2018 - Swimming Success for Senior
12/14/2018 - Olympic Trial Qualifier Visits HS GSA
12/13/2018 - Alternative Agricultural Methods
12/12/2018 - An Evening of Holiday Music
12/12/2018 - Stimulating STEM Concepts
12/11/2018 - Kindergarten Registration by appointment: Jan 7-10 & Jan 24
12/11/2018 - Promoting a Positive Lifestyle
12/10/2018 - Public Notice - BOE Meeting 12/11/18
12/10/2018 - Our SWR Leader in Lincoln History
12/7/2018 - Seniors Commit to College Sports
12/5/2018 - In the News!
12/5/2018 - Health Announcement - MRSA
12/5/2018 - Character and leadership lead two Wildcats to Suffolk County honors
12/4/2018 - Strategic Planning Survey - Deadline Extended to Dec. 14!
12/4/2018 - Fall Newsletter Now Available
12/3/2018 - Public Notice - Space and Facilities Committee Meeting 12/11/18
11/30/2018 - Public Notice - BOE Public Session 12/3/18
11/30/2018 - Giving Thanks at Miller Avenue
11/29/2018 - SWR Student Voices
11/28/2018 - Compassion Without Borders
11/27/2018 - Musical Motivator
11/26/2018 - Sparking an Interest in Healthcare Leadership
11/23/2018 - Promoting Diabetes Awareness at Prodell
11/22/2018 - Way To Go Wildcats
11/22/2018 - Baskets of Food, Hearts of Kindness
11/21/2018 - Prodell’s Powerful Expression of Thanks
11/20/2018 - Showcasing a District Gem for Learning
11/19/2018 - Inspiring Kindness at WRES
11/13/2018 - Sparking Energy Efficiency
11/9/2018 - Championing Abilities and Strengths
11/9/2018 - HS Boosts 2 Mathematical Scholars
11/9/2018 - Time Change for Divisional Playoff Football Game - 11/9
11/9/2018 - Congratulations!
11/9/2018 - American History Live at SWR HS
11/8/2018 - Red Ribbon Promises at Prodell
11/8/2018 - Musical Mastery
11/7/2018 - District Profile Video
11/7/2018 - 11/21 Early Dismissal Drill
11/7/2018 - Promoting Positive Perceptions
11/5/2018 - PTA Blood Drive - November 14
11/2/2018 - VIDEO: Chess In Concert
11/2/2018 - Smart School Investment Plan
10/31/2018 - Public Notice - BOE Executive Session 11/6/18
10/29/2018 - Middle School Math Master
10/26/2018 - Color-coded Character Counts!
10/26/2018 - A Heartfelt Thanks to Our Board of Education
10/25/2018 - Homecoming/Senior Day Football Game Rescheduled for Friday 10/26 at 6:00 PM
10/25/2018 - Realtors Breakfast Success
10/19/2018 - Wildcats Raise Thousands for Charitable Cause
10/17/2018 - Perfect Score in AP Studio Art for Alums!
10/16/2018 - Miller Avenue Walkthrough and Plaque Dedication
10/5/2018 - Update on Suspicious Vehicle reported on 10/4/18
10/5/2018 - A student perspective for BOE
10/4/2018 - Important Safety Message - Oct. 4
10/4/2018 - Middle School Open Houses - Rescheduled
10/4/2018 - College Connections!
10/3/2018 - Viewing of Screenagers – Oct. 10 at 7 pm
10/3/2018 - E-Cigarette and Vaping Parent Presentation - Oct. 18 at 7 pm
10/3/2018 - RESCHEDULED: Notice of Public Hearing for Smart Schools Bond Act Initial Plan 10/23/18
10/2/2018 - Parent Informational Session: Guidelines for Parents on Helping Children with Grief
10/2/2018 - Homecoming Rescheduled – Important Update from HS Principal
10/2/2018 - Public Notice - Space and Facilities Committee Meeting 10/10/18
10/2/2018 - “Safety Sally” drives an important message
10/2/2018 - Strengthening Defenses!
10/1/2018 - It’s a Fact – Prodell Library is a Place of Educational Engagement!
10/1/2018 - Library Lessons
9/27/2018 - Two Seniors Recognized as Commended Students
9/27/2018 - SWR Celebrates AP Scholars
9/26/2018 - SWR Spirit Soars!
9/25/2018 - Middle School Schedule Changes for Oct. 1-6
9/25/2018 - Middle School Student Tragedy
9/25/2018 - Public Notice - Audit Committee Meeting 10/18/18
9/25/2018 - Important Safety Message - Sept. 29
9/25/2018 - Fitness Center Update
9/21/2018 - College Information Night & Open House
9/19/2018 - Superintendent's Office Hours
9/19/2018 - State Recognition for Student-Musicians
9/17/2018 - Cultivating Compassion
9/13/2018 - HASHTAG WE’RE IT!
9/13/2018 - EUREKA Math Parent Workshop 9/24/18
9/13/2018 - Demonstrating Teamwork and Character
9/12/2018 - New Leadership in Humanities
9/5/2018 - Soccer Fundraiser Honoring Fallen Air National Guard members from 106th Rescue Wing (Westhampton Beach)
9/5/2018 - First Day Back and Ready to Learn!
9/4/2018 - SWR Staff Ready for 2018-19 School Year
9/1/2018 - Kindergarten Enrollment Update
8/31/2018 - Three Cheers for Wading River School Third-Graders
8/29/2018 - Briarcliff Update
8/28/2018 - Public Notice - Audit Committee Meeting 9/6/18
8/27/2018 - The Reviews Are In!
8/26/2018 - Briarcliff - August 26
8/24/2018 - Communication Protocols
8/23/2018 - FAQs for Parents/Guardians
8/16/2018 - BOE Public Notice - August 21, 2018
8/9/2018 - The beat goes on at Summer Music Institute
8/6/2018 - Focus on fun and friendships at Round Out program
8/1/2018 - Public Notice - Public Hearing 8/21/18
8/1/2018 - Summer Theatre Arts Program to stage four musicals
7/23/2018 - Summer Newsletter Now Available
7/17/2018 - Public Notice - Public Session 7/18/18
7/11/2018 - July 11 – Fitness Center Update
7/11/2018 - Board trustees reorganize for 2018-19 academic year
7/10/2018 - Engaging Summer Research Project
7/2/2018 - Public Notice - Emergency Meeting 7/3/18
7/2/2018 - Public Notice - Reorganizational Meeting 7/10/18
7/2/2018 - Public Notice - Public Hearing re: District-Wide Safety Plan 7/10/18
6/25/2018 - Congratulations to the Class of 2018
6/22/2018 - A celebration of achievements for Prodell graduates
6/21/2018 - Spring athletes honored
6/21/2018 - Tenured staff congratulated
6/20/2018 - Seniors celebrate end of secondary education
6/20/2018 - Prodell students are leaders in gratitude
6/20/2018 - SWR Retirees Recognized
6/20/2018 - Class of 2018 seniors walk with pride
6/19/2018 - Seniors nominated for elite award
6/18/2018 - Enriching scientific symposium for HS research students
6/15/2018 - Seeing the needs of others at Prodell
6/14/2018 - Two honors bestowed on SWR High School senior
6/8/2018 - SWR introduces Class of 2018 top students
6/8/2018 - Community Participation on Board of Education Advisory Committees
6/7/2018 - SWR celebrates student-athletes’ next steps
6/6/2018 - Students honored for mathematical excellence
6/5/2018 - Spring Newsletter Now Available
6/5/2018 - Educator to serve on national editorial review board
6/4/2018 - Fourth-graders visit with four-legged protectors
6/1/2018 - Public Notice - Executive Session 6/7/18
6/1/2018 - Miller Avenue students make a difference with a rain garden
5/31/2018 - Demonstrating Excellence
5/30/2018 - Two music scholarships for Christopher Wygonik
5/29/2018 - A plethora of engaging activities at STEM Symposium
5/25/2018 - Building resiliency skills at Prodell
5/24/2018 - Recognizing musical achievements at Tri-M Induction
5/23/2018 - SWR Art Show 2018
5/22/2018 - Public Notice - Future Use of Briarcliff Building Discussion
5/21/2018 - Public Notice - Safety Committee Meeting 5/30/18
5/21/2018 - WISE Students Conduct Water Quality Research
5/17/2018 - Public Notice - Executive Session 5/22/18
5/17/2018 - Guest readers add pep to Miller Avenue’s PARP program
5/17/2018 - Greetings from Philadelphia!
5/16/2018 - First place for SWR student at SkillsUSA state competition
5/15/2018 - Budget Passes - Thank You!
5/15/2018 - Cultivating kindness at Prodell
5/14/2018 - Lessons on American pioneers
5/11/2018 - Musical Master Class
5/10/2018 - Embracing differences at Wading River Elementary School
5/9/2018 - Celebrating college commitments
5/8/2018 - Public Notice - Executive Session 5/10/18
5/8/2018 - Senior Slideshow 2018
5/8/2018 - A closeup view of Broadway for Prodell students
5/7/2018 - "Superintendent Office Hours" - meet with Mr. Poole
5/7/2018 - ‘Evening of the Arts’ celebrated!
5/4/2018 - Providing food for feathered friends at Miller Avenue
5/3/2018 - SWR LAX Out Cancer: A Decade of Caring
5/2/2018 - Prodell students hear personal perspective of WWII
5/1/2018 - A real-world connections day at SWR High School
4/30/2018 - A celebration of Earth Day at Miller Avenue
4/27/2018 - Miller Avenue celebrates young authors
4/26/2018 - SWR’s Keyi Chen honored for math abilities
4/26/2018 - Budget Newsletter Now Available
4/26/2018 - SWR breaks ground on upcoming middle school projects
4/25/2018 - ‘The Curious Savage’ on stage at SWR HS
4/25/2018 - Meet the Class of 2018 Top Two Students!
4/24/2018 - Public Notice - Space & Facilities Committee Meeting 5/8/18
4/24/2018 - Notice of Time Change - May 15 BOE Meeting
4/24/2018 - Successful Tri-M ‘Suites and Treats’ at SWR HS
4/23/2018 - VIDEO: SWR Circuits
4/19/2018 - A celebration of jazz!
4/18/2018 - Cardboard creations at Miller Avenue School
4/17/2018 - Learning the love of language at Wading River School
4/13/2018 - Check out our new reporting system:
4/12/2018 - Briarcliff Update
4/12/2018 - Music and motivating messages for middle schoolers
4/10/2018 - Application of STEM principles for Wading River students
4/9/2018 - Public Notice: Ground Breaking Ceremony at Albert G. Prodell MS - April 18
4/9/2018 - Miller Avenue students develop motor skills and movement patterns
4/6/2018 - Innovative Math Modeling Challenge for SWR students
4/5/2018 - Revolutionizing relationships at Prodell
4/4/2018 - Public Notice - Safety Committee Meeting 4/18/18
4/4/2018 - Senior qualifies to take most prestigious math exam
3/30/2018 - Student-designed inquiry experiments at SWR High School
3/29/2018 - Celebrating SWR High School winter sports achievements
3/28/2018 - Five from SWR honored with Educational Service Awards
3/27/2018 - Prodell students shake things up with STEM earthquake lesson
3/26/2018 - Middle School students present at National History Day
3/23/2018 - Notice: Round-Table Discussion - Future Use of Briarcliff Building - April 10
3/23/2018 - Prodell Middle School string students perform at SCMEA Festival
3/22/2018 - Update - March 22 - Schools Closed
3/21/2018 - Early Dismissal - March 21
3/21/2018 - Nominating Board Candidate Packets Now Available
3/21/2018 - Career competencies expand for SWR High School DECA students
3/20/2018 - The little school (and engine) that could
3/20/2018 - Three WRES students to participate in BNL Science Fair
3/16/2018 - VIDEO: Whittle Gym
3/14/2018 - VIDEO: Teachers College
3/14/2018 - Public Notice - BOE Executive Session 3/14/18
3/14/2018 - Senior Alexandra Meli takes part in NYSSMA’s Joe Sugar Day
3/13/2018 - The Scientific Method at work at Miller Avenue School Science Fair
3/13/2018 - Schools Closed - March 13
3/13/2018 - Executive Session Meeting of the Board of Education – March 14 at 5:30pm
3/12/2018 - Prodell teacher awarded literacy grant
3/9/2018 - The great outdoors comes indoors at Whittle Gym
3/9/2018 - Message Regarding Senior Academic Field Trip
3/8/2018 - Message Regarding National School Walkout/March 14
3/7/2018 - WRES students raise their voices at SCMEA All-County Festival
3/2/2018 - Wellness Week Makes Healthy Living Fun at Prodell
3/1/2018 - Debate Team members head to state championships
2/28/2018 - Shoreham Wading River Central School District Security and Safety Assets
2/28/2018 - Katherine Lee named a News 12 scholar-athlete
2/27/2018 - Winter Newsletter Now Available
2/27/2018 - Sixth-graders share inspiring black history biographies
2/27/2018 - VIDEO: STEM Skills in Action
2/26/2018 - Fifth-graders perform at Long Island String Festival
2/17/2018 - Prodell students utilize technology to share kindness
2/16/2018 - Captivating curiosity at Wading River School Science Fair
2/16/2018 - Public Notice - Audit Committee Meeting 2/26/18
2/15/2018 - Buena suerte! Eighth-graders travel to Madrid
2/14/2018 - Two SWR wrestlers crowned Division II Champions
2/8/2018 - Inquiry-based learning for second-graders at BNL
2/6/2018 - The Flu: A Guide for Parents
2/1/2018 - Kindness grows at Wading River School
1/31/2018 - Public Notice - Space and Facilities Committee Meeting 2/6/18
1/31/2018 - Key leadership skills gained for DECA students
1/30/2018 - 2 Hour Delayed Opening-Tuesday, January 30th, 2018. No Morning Child Care.
1/30/2018 - SWR Schools Closed-Tuesday, January 30th, 2018.
1/30/2018 - A balance of coaching styles leads to legislative recognition
1/29/2018 - Public Notice - Safety Committee Meeting 2/7/18
1/29/2018 - Second-graders share stories of their lives
1/26/2018 - Bridging the gap between education and industry with SWR’s School-to-Community program
1/25/2018 - A musical experience for Prodell students
1/24/2018 - Sweet sounds of music for SWR HS students
1/23/2018 - Strategies and tactics for SWR High School chess players
1/18/2018 - Miller Ave. Open Friday, Jan. 19
1/18/2018 - High School teachers receive LILAC grant
1/17/2018 - High School Students Share the Gift of Music
1/16/2018 - A step back in time for Miller Avenue School students
1/11/2018 - A Love of Literature in SWR Schools
1/10/2018 - Unique science lessons for Miller Avenue students
1/9/2018 - Exploring Energy Transfer at Wading River School
1/4/2018 - Compassion and empathy from Shoreham-Wading River Schools
1/3/2018 - Schools Closed Jan. 5
1/3/2018 - SWR Pond Restoration
12/22/2017 - RESCHEDULED: Space and Facilities Committee Meeting 1/8/18
12/21/2017 - Success for Shoreham-Wading River High School Debate Team’s first tournament
12/20/2017 - Shoreham-Wading River scholar-athletes commended by Board of Education
12/18/2017 - Wading River School students learn that science is fun with educational lessons from ‘Mr. Fish’
12/15/2017 - SWR seniors named Suffolk Zone Award winners
12/13/2017 - Student-musicians share a few holiday favorites
12/13/2017 - Out-of-this world experience for Wading River School students
12/12/2017 - Wading River School student takes leadership role as ‘Principal for the Day’
12/7/2017 - Public Notice - Policy Committee Meeting 12/12/17
12/6/2017 - VIDEO: Getting Concert Ready!
12/5/2017 - BOE honors heroic efforts of Shoreham-Wading River High School student
12/4/2017 - Systematic STEM skills for Shoreham-Wading River elementary school students
11/30/2017 - VIDEO: Lunch is Served!
11/30/2017 - Reading and Writing Workshops at Miller Avenue School
11/29/2017 - Notice of Public Hearing on Briarcliff Building
11/29/2017 - Shoreham-Wading River High School share their musical talents at SCMEA concert
11/28/2017 - Chromebooks foster independence at Prodell Middle School
11/27/2017 - Focusing on bus safety at Miller Avenue School
11/23/2017 - The gift of sharing in Shoreham-Wading River Schools
11/21/2017 - Public Notice - Audit Committee Meeting 11/30/17
11/21/2017 - Getting in gear with SWR High School Robotics Club
11/20/2017 - Rave reviews for Shoreham-Wading River High School’s ‘Kiss Me Kate’
11/17/2017 - Augmented Reality at Wading River School
11/17/2017 - Fall Newsletter Now Available
11/17/2017 - Wading River students explore Native American technology
11/16/2017 - Students learn safe social media habits at Prodell Middle School
11/15/2017 - Girls Cross-Country State Championship for Shoreham-Wading River’s Katherine Lee
11/14/2017 - Student-musicians honored by Shoreham-Wading River Board of Education
11/13/2017 - Shoreham-Wading River High School seniors commit to college sports
11/10/2017 - A new dimension to learning: Augmented Reality program piloted at Wading River Elementary School
11/7/2017 - Sights and sounds of NYC for Wading River Elementary School students
11/6/2017 - Safety tips on stage at Miller Avenue School
11/2/2017 - STEM skills in action at Miller Avenue School
11/2/2017 - Congratulations!
11/1/2017 - Public Notice - Policy Committee Meeting 11/14/17
11/1/2017 - An indomitable American spirit speaks at SWR High School
10/27/2017 - Red Ribbon Week recognized at Prodell Middle School
10/27/2017 - SWR HS students participate in Day in the Life of the Peconic Estuary program
10/26/2017 - Children’s Book Author Julia Cook Wows Students at Miller Avenue School
10/26/2017 - Shoreham-Wading River High School presents ‘Kiss Me Kate’
10/26/2017 - Inspiring Creativity and Thought at Shoreham-Wading River High School
10/25/2017 - VIDEO: Fire Prevention Week
10/23/2017 - School Board Recognition Week October 23-27, 2017
10/20/2017 - Public Notice - Space and Facilities Committee Meeting 11/13/17
10/20/2017 - School-to-Community Meeting
10/19/2017 - Running like the wind at 27th annual cross-country event at Shoreham-Wading River High School
10/19/2017 - Stop, drop and roll at Miller Avenue Elementary School
10/18/2017 - More than 300 Residents Attend Youth Heart Screening
10/16/2017 - SCPD K9 Unit visits Shoreham-Wading River High School
10/13/2017 - Empowering Minds in SWR Schools
10/11/2017 - Public Notice - Policy Committee Meeting 10/17/17
10/10/2017 - 33 AP Scholars from Shoreham-Wading River High School
10/6/2017 - Shared sportsmanship on the field and in the community
10/5/2017 - SWR HS musicians selected for coveted festivals
10/4/2017 - Shoreham-Wading River High School Senior Calvin Schmalzle Named Commended Student
10/3/2017 - Free Youth Heart Screening to be Held in SWR
9/28/2017 - Public Notice - Policy Committee Meeting 10/4/17
9/26/2017 - College Information Night & Open House
9/25/2017 - High School inducts 47 students into inaugural Tri-M Music Honor Society
9/25/2017 - A Homecoming Win for The Wildcats
9/18/2017 - Community Curriculum Input Survey
9/15/2017 - Public Notice - Audit Committee Meeting 10/11/17
9/14/2017 - Veteran Cross-Country Coaches Bestowed with NYS Honors
9/11/2017 - Notice of BOE Meeting/Public Tour of Briarcliff Building - September 26th
9/11/2017 - District Welcomes New Teachers
9/8/2017 - Shoreham Wading River Central School District warmly welcomed students back to school
9/6/2017 - Facility Updates Usher in a New Era of Learning
9/6/2017 - SWR Readies for 2017-18 School Year with Superintendent’s Conference Day
9/1/2017 - Important News – New Traffic Patterns
8/30/2017 - Community Invited to Ribbon-Cutting Ceremonies
8/25/2017 - The Countdown Begins…Are You Back to School Ready?
8/18/2017 - SWR Renewal Project Updates - August 18, 2017
8/17/2017 - Find us on Facebook!
8/15/2017 - Curriculum Survey
8/14/2017 - Public Notice - Policy Committee Meeting 8/22/17
8/11/2017 - Bond Update - August 11, 2017
8/1/2017 - Summer Newsletter
8/1/2017 - SWR Summer Music Institute and Theater Arts Program to Stage Student Productions
7/31/2017 - Dr. Michael Winfield Named Assistant Principal at Shoreham-Wading River High School
7/31/2017 - Shoreham-Wading River Roundout Equals Summer Fun
7/26/2017 - Notice Regarding Geometry Regents
7/22/2017 - Published Journalists
7/21/2017 - Planning for the Future in SWR
7/13/2017 - Board Begins New School Year
7/12/2017 - An Important Message on the NYS Comptroller's Report
7/12/2017 - New Superintendent Welcome Letter
7/7/2017 - Notice: BOE Meeting - 7/18/17
6/30/2017 - An Amazing Year!
6/29/2017 - Community Message from Mr. Lederer
6/27/2017 - Notice: BOE Reorganization - 7/11/17
6/26/2017 - Class of 2017 Graduates
6/23/2017 - Eighth-Graders Celebrated
6/21/2017 - Shoreham-Wading River HS principal named
6/13/2017 - Fathers Unite for a Good Cause
6/12/2017 - Seniors Celebrate
6/9/2017 - Notice: Space and Facilities Committee Meeting - June 19, 2017
6/9/2017 - Surprise Graduation for Senior
6/8/2017 - Shoreham-Wading River High School named a Reward School
6/7/2017 - Wildcat Pause wins journalism awards
6/5/2017 - Athletes Commit to Colleges
5/25/2017 - Students Inducted into National Technical Honor Society
5/24/2017 - Art Exhibit a Hit
5/23/2017 - Student Musicians Excel at NYSSMA
5/22/2017 - STEM-tastic!
5/19/2017 - Change of Date: HS Underclassmen Recognition Night
5/18/2017 - Celebrating College Commitments
5/18/2017 - Meet the vals and sals (Newsday)
5/18/2017 - Senior Sworn in as BOE Representative
5/17/2017 - Shoreham-Wading River Budget Passes
5/17/2017 - Thank you
5/17/2017 - Author visit
5/16/2017 - Budget Vote and Trustee Election
5/16/2017 - Little Scientists Showcase Projects
5/15/2017 - SWR Boasts Multiple Sibling Valedictorians and Salutatorians
5/12/2017 - Guidance Council Honored with BOCES Award
5/11/2017 - Notice: BOE Executive Session - 5/25/17
5/10/2017 - Most challenging school
5/10/2017 - (Videos) Meet The Candidates Forum - 5/9/17
5/10/2017 - SWR Siblings were Valedictorians and salutatorians (Newsday)
5/10/2017 - Newsday Highlights SWR
5/9/2017 - Student Honored for Building a Bridge
5/8/2017 - Giving Back
5/5/2017 - National Junior Honor Society Induction
5/4/2017 - Orpheus Ensemble Performs
5/3/2017 - A Clarification of Media Reports re: Field Trip Funding
5/2/2017 - National auto tech champions!
5/1/2017 - Public Notice - Meet the Candidates Night on 5/9/17
5/1/2017 - Policy Committee Meeting Public Notice - 5/24/17
5/1/2017 - Shoreham-Wading River Shares Important Life Strategies
4/28/2017 - Students Study Nanoparticles
4/27/2017 - Lawmakers in Training
4/26/2017 - Change of Time Public Notice - May 16, 2017
4/26/2017 - A Day of Strings
4/26/2017 - A Message from Mr. Lederer re: 13 Reasons Why
4/25/2017 - An Updated Message Regarding Field Trip Funding
4/25/2017 - All-Eastern Singer
4/24/2017 - Growing Autism Awareness
4/21/2017 - Youth Summit Video Winners
4/20/2017 - Shoreham-Wading River CSD Appoints New Superintendent
4/20/2017 - Absentee Ballots will be available on April 21, 2017 in District Office, M-F 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM
4/20/2017 - Building a Partnership for the Future
4/20/2017 - New Middle School Principal Named
4/19/2017 - Autism Awareness
4/18/2017 - Candidates for Trustee Election
4/18/2017 - Successful Blood Drive
4/17/2017 - High School Presents ‘Play On!’
4/17/2017 - Chain Reaction of Good
4/13/2017 - Shoreham-Wading River to Appoint New Superintendent of Schools
4/10/2017 - Helping Kids Cope
4/7/2017 - Immigration Simulation
4/7/2017 - Hats for Healthy Hearts
4/6/2017 - March Madness Food Drive
4/5/2017 - A Tour of Phil’s
4/3/2017 - Egg-Citing Lesson
4/3/2017 - Young Mathematicians at Work
4/2/2017 - ‘Be Our Guest’
3/31/2017 - Signing with Purpose
3/30/2017 - Valedictorian and Salutatorian Named
3/30/2017 - Teachers Participate in Instructional Rounds
3/29/2017 - Long Island Youth Summit Representatives
3/27/2017 - Town of Brookhaven "Hope Walk for Addiction"
3/27/2017 - Celebrating Languages
3/24/2017 - Best buddies visit
3/23/2017 - Student Designs Winning Logo
3/22/2017 - Sharing Knowledge
3/21/2017 - Penguin Twins
3/20/2017 - Annual Science Fair
3/17/2017 - All-County Musicians
3/16/2017 - A Shopping We Will Go
3/15/2017 - Welcome Zeus
3/14/2017 - Cell Phone Challenge Accepted
3/13/2017 - The District is closed tomorrow, 3/14/17.
3/13/2017 - In the event school is closed tomorrow, the 3/14/17 Board meeting will also be canceled - but it has been rescheduled for 3/16/17 at 7:00 PM in the SWR High School Library
3/13/2017 - Mad Science
3/10/2017 - Public Notice - March 14, 2017
3/10/2017 - Climbing Season
3/9/2017 - Public Notice - March 13, 2017 - Executive Session
3/9/2017 - Longtime Trustee to Retire from SWR Board
3/9/2017 - Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss
3/8/2017 - Students Accept Rachel’s Challenge
3/7/2017 - Students Inaugurate Debate Team
3/6/2017 - Student Photographer Wins Contest
3/3/2017 - Student Writer Earns Award
3/2/2017 - Second Grade Read-A-Thon
3/1/2017 - 100 days!
2/28/2017 - Best Auto Technicians in the State
2/27/2017 - MKL Essay Contest Winners
2/21/2017 - BOE Public Notice - February 27, 2017
2/17/2017 - Owl Pellet Dissection
2/14/2017 - Public Forum: Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
2/14/2017 - Superintendent Search Update
2/14/2017 - Football Star Signs with Northwestern
2/14/2017 - NextEra / Long Island Solar Generation Informational Letter
2/13/2017 - Letter from Supt. to Parents/Guardians re: Snow Days
2/8/2017 - Scholar Athlete
2/7/2017 - That’s ‘Soup-er’
2/3/2017 - February Meetings Public Notice
2/3/2017 - Exercise on Wheels
2/2/2017 - String Students Perform in LISFA Concert
2/1/2017 - Guide Dog Foundation Visit
1/31/2017 - Meeting of the AP Capstone Minds
1/31/2017 - Visiting Author Kicks off ‘Big Read’
1/31/2017 - Information on Water Testing
1/30/2017 - Track Star Breaks Another Record
1/30/2017 - Child Abuse or Neglect Reporting Information
1/26/2017 - Officials Break Ground on School Construction Projects
1/26/2017 - First Place for Auto Tech Student
1/25/2017 - DECA Winners
1/24/2017 - Robot Demonstration
1/23/2017 - Board of Education Meeting Public Notice - 2/6/17
1/23/2017 - Electronic safety 101
1/20/2017 - Multifaceted Lesson Engages Science Students
1/19/2017 - Science WISE
1/17/2017 - Kindergartners Learn African American History Through Reenactment
1/13/2017 - Notice To Parents re: Instagram Threat
1/13/2017 - Building Creativity
1/11/2017 - Super readers!
1/9/2017 - Students Construct a Gingerbread Village
1/6/2017 - SWR Parent Workshop: Survival Tips for Parenting Your Teenager: "It's All In Their Heads"
1/6/2017 - Social Studies Teacher Procures Grant
1/5/2017 - Holiday Project Helps Families in Need
1/4/2017 - Notes to Inspire
1/4/2017 - Video: Locker Notes Inspire Students
1/3/2017 - Postvention Guidance for Middle Schoolers
12/23/2016 - The Giving Tree
12/22/2016 - A Night at the Art Museum
12/21/2016 - Kindness Counts!
12/20/2016 - Holiday Message from Supt. of Schools
12/19/2016 - Little Angels
12/16/2016 - Hands-on Ecosystem Learning
12/14/2016 - Successful blood drive held
12/12/2016 - STEM Cranberry Challenge
12/9/2016 - In the Zone
12/7/2016 - Miller Avenue and Wading River Elementary Schools Bond Work Options
12/7/2016 - Winning Season Honors
12/5/2016 - Workshop for Mental Health Staff Held
12/1/2016 - Board of Education Meeting Public Notice - 12/8/16
12/1/2016 - Students Celebrate #Giving Tuesday
11/30/2016 - SWR Family Wins Disney Trip
11/29/2016 - School Staff Learns Life-Saving Skills
11/28/2016 - Eagle Project Memorializes Tom Cutinella
11/23/2016 - Baskets Filled With Love
11/22/2016 - Suicide Prevention Seminar
11/21/2016 - Policy Committee Meeting Public Notice - 12/1/16
11/21/2016 - Space and Facilities Committee Meeting Public Notice - 12/5/16
11/21/2016 - Students’ artwork selected for exhibit
11/17/2016 - Potential Raising of Regents Passing Levels
11/17/2016 - Suicide Prevention & Crisis Center Agencies Information
11/17/2016 - I Am Thankful For…
11/16/2016 - Response Crisis Presentation
11/15/2016 - Athletes Commit to Colleges
11/11/2016 - School Mascot Election
11/10/2016 - Supt. Letter to Parents - Nov 10, 2016
11/9/2016 - 11/22 Early Dismissal Drill Info (click here)
11/9/2016 - First Votes Cast
11/7/2016 - Exploring Colleges and Universities
11/3/2016 - Public Notice - Executive Session 11/4/16
11/3/2016 - Superintendent Search Community Forum
10/31/2016 - Students Say No to Drugs
10/31/2016 - Parent Book Talk Flyer
10/27/2016 - Misfit Socks Abound
10/26/2016 - Like Us on Facebook
10/25/2016 - Wildcats Prevail at Homecoming
10/25/2016 - Positive Messages for Students
10/21/2016 - Autumn Decorations
10/20/2016 - Public Notice - 10/27/16
10/19/2016 - Young Ecologists at Work
10/17/2016 - Annual Beach Cleanup
10/17/2016 - 2016 Mental Health Conference Registration Form
10/12/2016 - Wildcat Pause Staff Earns Silver Medal
9/30/2016 - Public Notice - Audit Committee Meeting 10/13/16
9/30/2016 - Public Notice - Space and Facilities Committee Meeting 10/17/16
9/27/2016 - We the People…
9/23/2016 - Policy Committee Public Notice - 10/5/16
9/23/2016 - Students Selected to Perform in Esteemed Music Festivals
9/21/2016 - Coxsackie Virus Information
9/20/2016 - Legal Notice - Exec Session 10/5/16
9/20/2016 - 31 AP Scholars Named
9/14/2016 - SWR New Supt. Search Survey (click here)
9/13/2016 - Remembering 9/11
9/9/2016 - A New School Year
9/7/2016 - Executive Session Public Notice - 9/12/16
9/7/2016 - Public Notice - Audit Committee Meeting 9/15/16
9/2/2016 - Making New Friends
6/30/2016 - Neil Lederer Named Interim Superintendent
6/27/2016 - Congrats to the Class of 2016
6/23/2016 - Eighth-Graders Celebrated
6/22/2016 - Track Champions
6/21/2016 - Reorganization Meeting Public Notice - 7/6/16
6/16/2016 - Athletes Earn Butch Dellecave Scholarship
6/13/2016 - Long Island Champions!
6/10/2016 - Philadelphia Adventure
6/10/2016 - Swim Safety
6/3/2016 - Scholarship Recognition
6/1/2016 - Art Awards
5/31/2016 - New York-Bound
5/27/2016 - Animal Books
5/24/2016 - Staying Safe Behind the Wheel
5/20/2016 - S&F Committee meeting Public Notice - 5/31/16
5/20/2016 - STEM-tastic
5/18/2016 - Athletes Commit to Colleges
5/17/2016 - Shoreham-Wading River Budget Passes
5/16/2016 - Off to Washington
5/3/2016 - DECA Competitor Earns Medal
5/2/2016 - Seeds of Learning
4/27/2016 - Public Notice - 5/10/16 Budget Presentation
4/22/2016 - Women Talking Science
4/21/2016 - 5/10/16: Meet the Candidates 7:30pm @ HS
4/21/2016 - Reading Around the World
4/20/2016 - Doing Their Part
4/18/2016 - Leading by Example
4/14/2016 - DECA Team Members Head to Nationals
4/11/2016 - Public Notice - 4/20/16
4/11/2016 - Autism Awareness
4/6/2016 - Executive Session Public Notice - 4/7/16
4/6/2016 - A Window to the Past
4/4/2016 - Brainstormers Head to Long Island Finals
3/30/2016 - Save the Date: Almost Maine
3/28/2016 - Science Fair Winners Announced
3/24/2016 - Meet the Class of 2016 Valedictorian and Salutatorian
3/24/2016 - Gaining Strength with the Whittle Gym
3/23/2016 - Public Notice - Budget Adoption Date Rescheduled - 4/5/16
3/22/2016 - Reading Marathon
3/17/2016 - Students Celebrate Black History Month
3/11/2016 - Students Learn About ‘Risky Behavior’
3/9/2016 - Mathematically Number One
3/7/2016 - Chinese New Year Celebration
3/3/2016 - Snow Day Make-up
3/2/2016 - Strumming the Ukulele
2/29/2016 - Students Get ‘Mad’ About Science
2/25/2016 - 100 Days in the Books
2/24/2016 - Dr. Cohen Announces his Retirement
2/22/2016 - ‘Souper’ Food Drive
2/16/2016 - Wellness Week Celebrated
2/8/2016 - Save the Date: SWR STEM Symposium
2/5/2016 - Oliver Twist Performance
2/5/2016 - Inquiry-Based Learning
2/3/2016 - Welcome to New York
1/29/2016 - Learning About Animals and Habitats
1/27/2016 - Message from the Superintendent re: the District’s Financial Future
1/27/2016 - Policy Committee Meeting Public Notice - 2/1/16
1/27/2016 - News12 Scholar Athlete - Emily Anderson
1/26/2016 - Showcasing Talents at String Festival
1/22/2016 - Motivational Speakers
1/19/2016 - Audit Committee Meeting Public Notice - February 3, 2016
1/11/2016 - Eagle Project to Honor Tom Cutinella
1/11/2016 - Challenge Accepted
1/8/2016 - Students Make the Holidays Bright
1/6/2016 - Cheerleaders Make History, Win Bid to Nationals
1/6/2016 - Students Showcase Talent at Coffee House
1/4/2016 - Public Notice - 1/19/16
1/4/2016 - No Shave Campaign Aids Student
12/31/2015 - Miller Avenue School Open House
12/30/2015 - Wading River School Open House
12/27/2015 - Playdate and Picnic Welcomes Class of 2031
12/25/2015 - Trio Selected to All-State Baseball Team
12/21/2015 - Gifts from Angels
12/18/2015 - Learning to Blend and Mix
12/17/2015 - Kindergarten Reg. Jan 11-15 (click here for info)
12/16/2015 - Expanding Horizons
12/14/2015 - Athletes Commit to Colleges
12/10/2015 - Consecutive Champs
12/9/2015 - In the Zone
11/30/2015 - Food Train Chugs into Wading River
11/24/2015 - Thanksgiving Baskets A-Plenty
11/23/2015 - Glowing Green to Support Veterans
11/17/2015 - Space and Facilities Committee Meeting Public Notice - 12/16/15
11/17/2015 - Scholars of Mathematics
11/16/2015 - Winning with Wind
11/13/2015 - Kindness Counts at Miller Avenue
11/12/2015 - Food and Clothing Drive to Help Local Vets
11/10/2015 - Book Club Binds Students Together
11/6/2015 - Students Say No to Drugs
11/5/2015 - Don’t Miss It: Anything Goes
10/27/2015 - Matched up to a Cause
10/21/2015 - Public Notice - 10/22/15
10/21/2015 - Character Counts
10/20/2015 - Legislator Sarah Anker's 9/30/15 Youth Sports Safety Forum
10/19/2015 - Policy Committee Meeting Public Notice - 11/10/15
10/13/2015 - Public Notice - 10/13/15
10/5/2015 - Food Drive Aids Local Veterans
10/3/2015 - Public Notice - 10/14/15
9/28/2015 - New Classrooms Enhance Scientific Discoveries
9/25/2015 - 10/14 PSAT Exam and HS Closing Info
9/23/2015 - School Supply Drive Honors 9/11 Heroes
9/18/2015 - We the People…
9/16/2015 - Bell Tolls for Peace
9/1/2015 - Ready to Learn
8/28/2015 - Public Notice - August 31, 2015
8/12/2015 - Policy Committee Meeting Public Notice - 8/26/15
8/12/2015 - Audit Committee Meeting Public Notice - 9/17/15
8/10/2015 - Students Shine in Theater Arts Program
7/31/2015 - Growing a Garden for Service
7/29/2015 - Summer Camp Keeps Kids Engaged
7/22/2015 - A Year of Learning
6/29/2015 - Congrats to the Class of 2015
6/25/2015 - Eighth-Graders Celebrated
6/24/2015 - College Readiness Begins in Middle School
6/23/2015 - Public Notice - 7/14/15 and 7/28/15
6/22/2015 - School Newspaper Takes Home 13 Awards
6/19/2015 - Seniors Celebrate with Field Day
6/17/2015 - Celebrating College Choices
6/15/2015 - Valedictorian Honored
6/10/2015 - Public Notice - 6/16/15
6/10/2015 - Photography Award
6/8/2015 - The Eighth Grade Goes to Washington
6/3/2015 - Sophomore Selected to Attend Apple Conference
6/1/2015 - Safe Driving
5/28/2015 - Walk Against Bullying
5/26/2015 - Audit Committee Meeting Public Notice - 6/1/15
5/26/2015 - A Trip Back in Time
5/21/2015 - Paying Tribute with 54 Good Deeds
5/19/2015 - Shoreham-Wading River Budget Passes
5/18/2015 - Senior Publishes Scientific Work
5/18/2015 - Miller Avenue Parking Options
5/13/2015 - Don’t Miss It: Second Annual Art Awards Night
5/11/2015 - Uniting Against Bullying
5/11/2015 - Exploring Robotics
5/6/2015 - Budget Newsletter now Available
5/6/2015 - Adding a Splash of Color
5/6/2015 - Public Notice - 6/9/15
5/4/2015 - Wildcats Pursue College Dreams
4/29/2015 - Meet the Candidates Night - Canceled
4/29/2015 - Public Notice - 5/19/15
4/29/2015 - ‘Bye Bye Birdie’
4/27/2015 - Musician Earns Scholarship
4/22/2015 - Raising Autism Awareness
4/17/2015 - Public Notice - 4/21/15
4/17/2015 - Start Time Public Notice - 5/5/15
4/14/2015 - Senator LaValle Presents Legislative Resolution to SWR Football Team and Coach Matt Millheiser
4/13/2015 - Challenge Accepted
4/3/2015 - Theater Skits Send Messages of Hope
4/2/2015 - Meet the Class of 2015 Valedictorian and Salutatorian
4/1/2015 - Enriching Education Through Professional Development
4/1/2015 - Clarification on State Testing
3/30/2015 - Music Students Participate in SCMEA Festival
3/27/2015 - Wildcats Football Named People of the Year
3/24/2015 - Cultural Exchange
3/13/2015 - State Testing Information
3/12/2015 - Annual College Fair Held
3/10/2015 - Why We Must Postpone Action on a Pre-K Initiative
3/5/2015 - ‘Drugs in our Town, The Ugly Truth’ Forum
3/4/2015 - Public Notice - 3/16/15
3/3/2015 - Meet the New STEM Director
2/27/2015 - Speaker: ‘Your Actions Count’
2/23/2015 - Learning about Local Ecosystems
2/19/2015 - Space and Facilities Committee Public Notice - 3/2/15
2/18/2015 - Public Notice - 4/13/15
2/17/2015 - Parent Forum: ‘Drugs in Our Town: The Ugly Truth’
2/13/2015 - Public Notice - 2/25/15
2/13/2015 - Parent Forum: Heroin & Opiates, March 2, 7:00 SWRHS
2/13/2015 - Wellness Week Teaches Skills for Life
2/9/2015 - ‘iGame4’ Gets Kids Moving
2/6/2015 - Shared Decision Making Committee Public Notice - 2/9/15
1/30/2015 - Public Notice - 2/24/2015
1/28/2015 - Art Students Spruce Up High School
1/20/2015 - Public Notice - 2/7/2015
1/15/2015 - Author Helps Students Polish Writing Skills
1/14/2015 - SWR community overwhelmingly approves bond referendum
1/13/2015 - Bond Referendum Passes
1/12/2015 - Bond Vote Scheduled for Jan. 13
1/5/2015 - Students Simulate Second Congressional Congress
12/30/2014 - Start Time Change for Board Meeting - January 13, 2015
12/19/2014 - Jeans Collected for Teens
12/17/2014 - Public Notice - 12/22/2014
12/16/2014 - Cultures Exchanged During Basketball Game
12/15/2014 - Legislature Recognizes Football Team
12/11/2014 - Seniors Named Zone Recipients
12/9/2014 - AP Program Recognized
12/3/2014 - Wildcats Win Class IV Championship
12/2/2014 - Referendum Scheduled for January 13th
12/1/2014 - Students Help Those in Need
11/28/2014 - Little Pilgrims and Native Americans Enjoy Feast
11/27/2014 - Food Baskets for Those in Need
11/26/2014 - Beards Raise Cancer Awareness
11/25/2014 - Public Notice - 12/8/14
11/24/2014 - Public Notice - 12/2/2014 & 12/9/2014
11/24/2014 - Save the Dates – Bond Forums Scheduled for Dec. 2 and Dec. 9
11/24/2014 - Athletes Commit to Colleges
11/21/2014 - Food Train for Those in Need
11/19/2014 - Librarian Creates Culture of Reading
11/18/2014 - Students Unite Against Drugs and Bullying
11/17/2014 - Senior Sings His Way to Nationals
11/12/2014 - Public Notice - 12/6/2014
11/12/2014 - Film Sends Anti-Bullying Message
11/10/2014 - November 25, 2014: Early Release Drill
11/10/2014 - A Fitness Experience
11/10/2014 - Suffolk Soccer Champions
11/6/2014 - 3-2-1 Lift Off
11/5/2014 - Wildcats Advance to State Championships
11/4/2014 - Don’t Miss It: ‘Spamalot’
11/3/2014 - Public Notice - 11/17/2014
10/31/2014 - Princesses, Mummies and Ghosts Take Over Miller Avenue
10/29/2014 - Wildcats Show School Pride
10/20/2014 - Students Explore the Life of Lincoln at Symposium
10/17/2014 - Little Scientists in Action
10/15/2014 - Students Learn Dangers of DWI and Texting While Driving
10/10/2014 - East End Hospice Children's Bereavement Coordinator
10/10/2014 - Policy Committee Public Notice - 10/15/2014
10/6/2014 - Change of Date Public Notice - 10/9/2014
10/6/2014 - Public Notice - 10/9/2014
10/3/2014 - A message from the BOE regarding HS Student Tom Cutinella
10/2/2014 - Bond Committee Public Notice - 10/9/2014
9/30/2014 - Cardiac Screening for Student Athletes (November and December Dates Still Available)
9/26/2014 - Student Engineers His Future
9/24/2014 - Message from the Superintendent: Elementary Transportation
9/23/2014 - Students Picket Child Labor
9/22/2014 - Audit Committee Public Notice - 10/14/2014
9/17/2014 - Students Ring Bell for Peace
9/16/2014 - New App WARNING
9/15/2014 - 2014 AP Scholars Named
9/12/2014 - Seniors Named National Merit Semifinalists
9/12/2014 - Meet the District’s Newest Administrators
9/8/2014 - Bond Committee Public Notice - 10/1/14
9/5/2014 - Save the Date: Bond Presentation
8/28/2014 - Community Bond Committee Moves Forward
8/28/2014 - Lincoln Symposium Set for Oct. 10
8/21/2014 - Public Notice - 9/4/14
8/18/2014 - Rounding Out the Summer
8/12/2014 - Meet Miller Avenue’s New Principal
7/31/2014 - Video - Exploring Options for Facility Improvements
7/30/2014 - Public Notice - 8/7/2014
7/22/2014 - Public Notice - 8/20/14
7/17/2014 - District Bond Video
7/10/2014 - BOE Elects President, Vice President at Reorg
7/3/2014 - Hats Off to the Class of 2014
6/27/2014 - Eighth-Grade Night a Success
6/26/2014 - BOE Honors Athletes and Retirees
6/23/2014 - Junior Appears on ‘Meet the Leaders’
6/18/2014 - HS Heath Packet Information
6/12/2014 - School Newspaper Takes Home 21 Awards
6/10/2014 - Public Notice - 6/17/2014
6/10/2014 - Incoming Sixth-Graders Get an Inside Look at Middle School
6/9/2014 - Public Notice - 7/9/2014 - Date Change
6/6/2014 - Ellis Island Activity Teaches Immigration Lessons
6/4/2014 - Administrative Personnel Appointments for the 2014-2015 School Year
6/3/2014 - History Comes to Life at Wading River Elementary
5/30/2014 - Music Students to Perform in Europe as Part of Freedom Tour
5/28/2014 - Seniors Learn About the Dangers of Texting While Driving
5/27/2014 - Public Notice 5/27/2014
5/23/2014 - Fridays Are Fruity at Briarcliff
5/21/2014 - Photos That Pop
5/20/2014 - SWR Budget Passes
5/19/2014 - District In Compliance With Bidding and Prevailing Wage Laws
5/19/2014 - Keeping Brookhaven Clean
5/12/2014 - An Exciting ‘Edventure’
5/9/2014 - Seniors Sign with Good Intent
5/6/2014 - Revised Board of Education Candidate Information
5/4/2014 - Ellen Fraser Named NYS Master Teacher
4/30/2014 - Public Notice 5/12/2014
4/30/2014 - Making Sense of Autism
4/28/2014 - Kindness Blooms at Prodell
4/24/2014 - Public Notice - 5/22/2014
4/21/2014 - Public Notice - 4/23/2014
4/21/2014 - Broadway Beats
4/15/2014 - Senior Gives Gift of Happier (Birth) Days
4/13/2014 - Igloo Build Warms Hearts
4/8/2014 - Coming Together to Create Hope
4/7/2014 - Elementary Students Shine Bright at Talent Show
4/6/2014 - District Ranked by Washington Post
4/3/2014 - Public Notice - 4/28/2014
4/3/2014 - Student Artists Attend Media Arts Show
3/30/2014 - Stephen Donohue Named Long Island Elementary Principal of the Year
3/26/2014 - Public Notice - 4/23/2014
3/25/2014 - Making History Their Own
3/24/2014 - Valedictorian and Salutatorian Announced
3/20/2014 - Feats of Memory
3/19/2014 - Public Notice - 3/21/2014
3/19/2014 - Students Place at DECA Conference
3/18/2014 - Whittle Gym: The Great Outdoors
3/17/2014 - Winter Sports Honors
3/10/2014 - Public Notice - 3/25/2014
3/6/2014 - Experiencing Madrid
3/5/2014 - Public Notice - 3/7/2014
3/5/2014 - Public Notice - 3/20/2014
3/2/2014 - Miller Avenue Hosts Science Fair
2/26/2014 - Julie Lindell: A Spirited Volunteer
2/25/2014 - P.S. I Love You
2/23/2014 - Miller Avenue 5th Grade Play Information
2/20/2014 - New Date for Science Fair – Thursday, February 27, 2014 (See Revised Schedule)
2/16/2014 - Briarcliff Students Communicate Through Nonfiction
2/14/2014 - Soccer Captain Nets Goal of Playing for Adelphi University
2/10/2014 - Senior Signs Letter of Intent
2/10/2014 - Eliminate the GEA - What is the GEA?
2/9/2014 - Public Notice - 3/3/14
2/9/2014 - SWR Advocacy Efforts for State Aid - What can you do?
2/5/2014 - Public Notice - 2/25/2014
2/3/2014 - Reversing the Trend
1/30/2014 - Public Notice - 2/1/2014
1/27/2014 - Rolling in the Good Times at Briarcliff
1/22/2014 - High School Senior Attends Lincoln Forum Symposium
1/20/2014 - The 1/21/14 Board meeting has been canceled and rescheduled for 1/23/14
1/16/2014 - A Galactic Outer Space Lesson
1/14/2014 - Public Notice - 2/12/2014
1/13/2014 - Public Notice - 2/3/2014
1/12/2014 - Kindergarten Registration This Week, 8:00-11:30 AM at the SWR District Office
1/12/2014 - A New Year, A New Chapter
1/9/2014 - Message from the Superintendent of Schools
1/8/2014 - Jake DePaoli: Youth Soccer's Goal of the Year Finalist!
1/5/2014 - Public Notice - 1/13/14
1/5/2014 - Making Science All Fun and Games
12/29/2013 - Miller Avenue Winter Concert Warms Hearts
12/23/2013 - Briarcliff Elementary Brings Back Fireside Read-in - View the Video
12/15/2013 - Getting to Know Their Neighbors
12/12/2013 - Author Visit Inspires at Prodell
12/11/2013 - Fall Sports Honors
12/9/2013 - Seniors Receive Physical Education Leadership Award
12/5/2013 - Princeton Plan Update Bulletin
12/5/2013 - Wading River Elementary Gets into the Holiday Spirit
12/3/2013 - Public Notice - 12/10/13 - UPDATED
11/24/2013 - Senior-Athletes Sign National Letters of Intent
11/22/2013 - Addressing Gettysburg 150 Years Later
11/19/2013 - Administrators Put Their Heads Together for Mental Health
11/19/2013 - Prodell Students Declare Themselves Drug- and Bully -Free
11/10/2013 - Students’ Artwork Is Spooky Treat for All
11/7/2013 - Superintendents Respond to Education Commissioner
11/4/2013 - Public Notice - 11/19/2013
11/4/2013 - Mini College Day is Major Success
10/31/2013 - Wildcats Cast Shadow Over Phantoms at Homecoming Game
10/24/2013 - Miller Avenue Students Have Lunch With a Pal
10/23/2013 - District Wide Early Release Drill
10/22/2013 - Public Notice - 11/4/13
10/22/2013 - Public Notice - 11/5/13
10/21/2013 - Fired Up About Fire Safety at Miller Avenue
10/15/2013 - Public Notice - 11/26/13
10/13/2013 - Stomping Out Bullying
10/8/2013 - Students Volunteer with a Smile and a Wave
10/6/2013 - Fearless Fair-Trade Fighters
10/2/2013 - Prodell Students Thank First Responders
10/1/2013 - Sophomore Turns Sorrow into Story of Hope
9/26/2013 - Two Seniors Named National Merit Commended Students
9/23/2013 - Strategic Planning Discussions
9/22/2013 - PTA Council Discussion on Social Media
9/18/2013 - Abraham Lincoln Bicentennial Foundation Grant Award
9/15/2013 - Public Notice - 9/18/13
9/10/2013 - SWR Starts New School Year with a Smile
9/9/2013 - Public Notice - 9/16/13
9/4/2013 - Staff Welcomes New Year as One
9/3/2013 - Public Notice - 9/9/13
8/29/2013 - District Welcomes Newest Staff
8/27/2013 - Community Conversation
8/27/2013 - Public Notice - September Meetings
8/27/2013 - Summer Project Update Video
8/26/2013 - Projects that are anticipated to be completed over the Summer of 2013
8/25/2013 - Fundraising
8/25/2013 - Two Reward Schools Named in Shoreham-Wading River
8/20/2013 - STAR Exemptions
8/19/2013 - Gallup Poll of the public’s attitude toward public schools
8/13/2013 - Personnel Announcement August 14, 2013
6/22/2013 - Class of 2013 Celebrates Milestones, Looks Forward to Next Steps
6/21/2013 - Students Contribute Talents to Suffolk All-Star Math Team
6/12/2013 - Oral History Day
6/6/2013 - Journalism Students Take Home 33 Awards
6/5/2013 - Public Notice - June Board Meetings
6/5/2013 - Public Notice - 7/9/13
6/2/2013 - Future Wildcats
5/30/2013 - Global Awareness Club Wins Grand Prize
5/28/2013 - Public Notice - 6/11/13
5/23/2013 - Students Participate in ‘Arrive Alive’ Program
5/23/2013 - STEM Club Winners in Kid Wind Competition
5/23/2013 - SWR in Riverhead News Review: Socratic Seminar
5/21/2013 - Shoreham Budget Passed
5/20/2013 - Register Online for Community Summer Programs!
5/20/2013 - Working Hand in Hand with BNL Scientists
5/16/2013 - ‘Macbeth’ Brought to Life
5/16/2013 - Teen Photo Contest Winner
5/13/2013 - Don’t Drink the Water
5/8/2013 - Public Notice - May Committee Meetings
5/7/2013 - Briarcliff Students Dazzled by Science
4/30/2013 - Students Recognized by Art Teachers Association
4/28/2013 - Proposed 2013-14 Budget Fact Sheet
4/25/2013 - Budget Vote and Trustee Election – May 21, 2013
4/23/2013 - Public Notice - Meet the Candidates Night Canceled
4/22/2013 - Artists Shine at SWRHS
4/17/2013 - Public Notice - 5/28/13
4/17/2013 - Education Update - As Good As It Gets
4/15/2013 - Middle School Students Place at BNL Magnetic Levitation Competition
4/11/2013 - Middle School Students Bring ‘Starmites’ to Life
4/10/2013 - Public Notice - April Committee Meetings
4/4/2013 - Public Notice - 4/8/13
4/4/2013 - Students ‘Travel’ to Elephant Sanctuary
4/3/2013 - Public Notice - 4/9/13
4/2/2013 - Public Notice - 4/17/13
3/31/2013 - Letter of Intent Signing
3/19/2013 - Valedictorian and Salutatorian Announced
3/18/2013 - Public Notice - 4/23/13
3/14/2013 - Students Head to ‘Boot Camp’
3/6/2013 - P.S. I Love You Day
2/28/2013 - Hispanic Heritage Month Essay Contest Winner
2/27/2013 - Pertussis @ SWRHS 2/28/13
2/24/2013 - Public Notice - 3/14/13
2/19/2013 - Public Notice - 2/26/13
2/17/2013 - Keeping Up with ‘Character Counts’
2/13/2013 - Public Notice - 2/19/13
2/12/2013 - Public Notice - 2/13/13
2/7/2013 - Understanding Math Through Movement
2/1/2013 - Statement from Dr. Steven Cohen, Superintendent of Schools
1/31/2013 - Connecting with Peers, Half a World Away
1/29/2013 - Public Notice - February Committee Meetings
1/27/2013 - Public Notice - 2/4/13
1/24/2013 - Public Notice - 1/28/13
1/24/2013 - Public Notice - 1/31/13
1/24/2013 - From the Gym to the Grand Canyon
1/17/2013 - Students “Roll” into Fitness
1/14/2013 - Public Notice - 1/15/13
1/11/2013 - Public Notice - 1/16/13
1/11/2013 - Quilt of Hope
1/11/2013 - Student Talent Shines
1/9/2013 - Public Notice - 1/10/13 - Emergency Executive Session
1/6/2013 - Public Notice - 1/7/13
1/5/2013 - Public Notice - 1/8/13
1/4/2013 - Public Notice - 1/10/13
1/3/2013 - Immigration Day
1/2/2013 - Kindergarten Registration: Week of 1/14 (click here for info)
1/2/2013 - Public Notice - 1/22/13
12/20/2012 - Holiday Project Spreads Cheer
12/16/2012 - Letter from the Supt. about Newtown Tragedy
12/13/2012 - Public Notice - 12/18/12
12/13/2012 - Confirmed Case of Pertussis
12/13/2012 - Student-Athlete Named “Suffolk County Runner of the Year”
12/11/2012 - Our Site is Now Mobile!
12/6/2012 - Bringing a Valuable Lesson to Life
11/29/2012 - Public Notice - 12/11/12
11/29/2012 - Star Athletes Commit to Next Level
11/20/2012 - Briarcliff Students Give “Thanks”
11/15/2012 - Honoring Veterans
11/12/2012 - Public Notice - 12/6/12
11/12/2012 - In the News!
11/8/2012 - Kids Helping Kids
11/7/2012 - 11/20/12: District Wide Early Release Drill (click for more info)
11/4/2012 - Wildcat Pride Soars at Homecoming
11/1/2012 - SWRHS 10th Annual Veteran’s Day Symposium
10/27/2012 - 11/6/12 Board Meeting has been re-scheduled for 11/8/12 at the High School, 8:00 PM Public Session
10/23/2012 - Position Paper on Race to the Top (RTTT)
10/23/2012 - Public Notice - 11/8/12
10/21/2012 - Local Author Inspires Students
10/18/2012 - Public Notice - 10/23/12
10/15/2012 - Taking a Stand Against Bullying
10/8/2012 - Staying Safe
10/2/2012 - Public Notice - 10/9/12
10/2/2012 - “All-Star” Musicians
10/1/2012 - Public Notice - 10/23/12
10/1/2012 - Technology and Track Proposition Passes
9/30/2012 - Public Notice - October Committee Meetings
9/27/2012 - Public Notice - 10/2/12
9/21/2012 - Public Notice - 9/24/12
9/18/2012 - Public Notice - 9/19/12
9/13/2012 - 9/25/12 Board meeting rescheduled to 9/24/12
9/13/2012 - Technology and Track Proposition Vote – October 2
9/13/2012 - Reflecting on 9/11
9/11/2012 - The New 2012-13 Community Forum Schedule is Now Available!
9/6/2012 - Public Notice - 9/11/12
9/4/2012 - Welcome Back, Students!
9/3/2012 - Staff Kicks Off School Year
9/3/2012 - SWRHS Named a “Reward School” by New York State
8/21/2012 - Public Notice - 8/22/12
8/16/2012 - Public Notice - 8/21/12
8/7/2012 - Students “Round Out” Their Summer
6/24/2012 - Public Notice - 7/10/12
6/24/2012 - Class of 2012 Starts a New Life Chapter
6/23/2012 - Public Notice - 7/24/12
6/22/2012 - Public Notice - 7/25/12
6/18/2012 - Miller Avenue Celebrates the Red, White and Blue
6/17/2012 - Public Notice - 6/22/12
6/14/2012 - Public Notice - District Committee Meetings - June 2012
6/11/2012 - Honoring the District’s Best and Brightest
6/7/2012 - Valedictorian Emily McNally Honored
6/4/2012 - Seniors Sign National Letters of Intent
6/3/2012 - Public Notice - 6/5/12
6/1/2012 - HS Student, Zachary Zumbo wins Logo Contest
5/30/2012 - Health and Safety Proposition Passes
5/28/2012 - Tops at Producing Wind Turbines
5/21/2012 - SWR High School Students Pledge to “Drive Alive”
5/15/2012 - 2012-2013 Budget Passes
5/14/2012 - Senior Athletes Sign National Letters of Intent
5/7/2012 - The Food Train Is a Great Success
5/3/2012 - Public Notices - 5/8/12
5/3/2012 - Studying the Nation of Japan
5/2/2012 - Annual Budget / Election Vote
5/1/2012 - Committee Meetings - May 2012
5/1/2012 - 2011-2012 Board Meeting Dates and Times
4/30/2012 - Student Artists Receive Accolades
4/25/2012 - Taking Center Stage
4/24/2012 - Committee Meetings - April 2012
4/23/2012 - Hop On the Food Train
4/17/2012 - Reading is Fundamental
4/10/2012 - Crossing the U.S. Border
4/3/2012 - Learning the Scientific Method
3/29/2012 - At the Head of the Class
3/29/2012 - Riverhead Youth Court Team Takes 1st Place in Mock Trial Competition
3/25/2012 - Where the Class of 2012 Is Headed
3/20/2012 - Committee Public Notice - March 2012
3/18/2012 - Middle School Student Selected as Hispanic Heritage Essay Winner
3/15/2012 - Public Notice - 3/20/12
3/12/2012 - Compassion Without Borders
3/12/2012 - Girl Scout Promise
3/5/2012 - U.S. History Apps
2/28/2012 - The District Welcomes NYS Regent Roger Tilles
2/27/2012 - Phantom Tollbooth Characters Come to Life
2/13/2012 - A Study of the Groundhog
2/12/2012 - 2/15/12 - Public Notice
2/12/2012 - 3/7/12 - Public Notice
2/10/2012 - Take the Tax Cap Survey
2/9/2012 - 2/14/12 - Public Notice
2/7/2012 - Raising a Bookworm
2/6/2012 - Advocating for L.I. Education in a Challenging & Changing Environment
2/2/2012 - 2/7/12 - Public Notice
2/1/2012 - Space and Facilities Health and Safety Project Proposal 12/13/11
1/26/2012 - Superintendent forum with Regent Roger Tilles
1/23/2012 - A Rain Forest of Physical Activity
1/22/2012 - **Attempting to Grow Bookworms!**
1/19/2012 - January 2012 - Public Notices
1/12/2012 - Asbestos Abatement This Weekend
1/11/2012 - February 2012 - Public Notices
1/9/2012 - WRES Students Box Out Bullying
1/5/2012 - 1/10/12 - Public Notice
1/3/2012 - Briarcliff Students Participate in a Fireside Read-In
11/27/2011 - Jumping with the Rope Warrior
11/22/2011 - A Thanksgiving Feast
11/20/2011 - Signing on the Dotted Line…
11/13/2011 - SWR High School Honors Veterans
11/7/2011 - Honoring Veterans
11/6/2011 - December 2011 - Public Notices
11/3/2011 - November 2011 - Public Notices
10/31/2011 - A Parade Of Halloween Costumes
10/24/2011 - Wildcat Pride Reigns During Homecoming
10/23/2011 - 11/3/11 Public Notice
10/17/2011 - Community Packs the Track in Support of Liam
10/9/2011 - Family, Friends and Fun at Briarcliff’s Fall Festival
9/29/2011 - 10/4/11 Public Notice
9/27/2011 - 10/6/11 Public Notice
9/26/2011 - A Walk for Liam
9/20/2011 - Community Forums
9/15/2011 - 9/20/11 Public Notice
9/13/2011 - 9/19/11 Public Notice
9/12/2011 - 9/14/11 Public Notices
9/12/2011 - May Peace Prevail on Earth
9/7/2011 - 2011-2012 Academic Year Off to an Excellent Start
9/6/2011 - Educational Goals and Priorities
8/30/2011 - Roundout Spells Summer Fun
8/24/2011 - 8/30/11 Public Notice
8/24/2011 - 8/31/11 Public Notice
8/24/2011 - 8/29/11 Public Notice
8/17/2011 - Welcome Briarcliff Elementary School Principal Patricia Nugent
7/26/2011 - An Open Letter to the Shoreham-Wading River Central School District Community
7/20/2011 - 8/2 Executive Session Notice
7/13/2011 - Internal Audit Report - Risk Assessment Update 4/30/11
7/13/2011 - Internal Audit Report – Food Service Operations
7/11/2011 - 8/2 & 8/3 Public Notice
7/11/2011 - KUDOS!
7/1/2011 - 7/6/2011 Public Notice
6/22/2011 - Albert G. Prodell Middle School Students Excel Onward
6/20/2011 - 6/27/11 Public Notice
6/19/2011 - The Confederacy Versus the Union
6/15/2011 - Student Thespians Receive Pretigious Teeny Awards
6/12/2011 - Use Another Word!
6/6/2011 - Briarcliff Kids Paint for Shot at $5,000 Worth of Art Supplies
6/5/2011 - Class of 2011 Valedictorians Honored
6/1/2011 - 6/6/11 Public Notice
5/31/2011 - 6/21/11 Public Notice
5/31/2011 - 6/30/11 Public Notice
5/30/2011 - Driving While Informed
5/23/2011 - Baby Chicks Hatch on Elementary Campuses
5/19/2011 - 5/23/11 Executive Meeting
5/17/2011 - Budget Passed!
5/15/2011 - 5/25/11 Policy Committee
5/12/2011 - A Study of the Three Dimensional Structure of Lysozyme
5/8/2011 - The High School’s WISE Program Continues to Expand
5/4/2011 - OFF TO COLLEGE!
5/3/2011 - Superintendent's Search Meetings
5/2/2011 - 5/17/11 Executive Session
5/2/2011 - Parent Forum: Bullying
4/26/2011 - Budget Information
4/24/2011 - High School Athletes Sign National Letters of Intent
4/17/2011 - District Holds First Annual Wellness Fair
4/14/2011 - 4/27/11 BOCES Annual Budget/Election Vote
4/10/2011 - Prodell Middle School Presents Music Man, Jr.
4/6/2011 - 4/11/11 BC Walkthrough
4/4/2011 - SWR is presenting the film Race to Nowhere
4/3/2011 - 4/11/11 Audit Committee Mtg
3/30/2011 - 4/12/11 Executive and Public Session
3/29/2011 - 3/31/11 Legislative Committee
3/23/2011 - 3/24/11 Budget Workshop
3/23/2011 - 3/29/11 Budget Workshop
3/23/2011 - 3/29/11 Executive Session
3/23/2011 - State Comptrollers Report
3/20/2011 - A Trip of A Lifetime Global Awareness Students Volunteer in Kenya
3/13/2011 - Mastering the Scientific Method
3/9/2011 - NYS Comptroller’s Report of Examination (Audit Report)
3/8/2011 - Dear Residents
3/6/2011 - Celebrating Dr. Seuss
3/3/2011 - Public Notice - Budget Workshop
3/1/2011 - Briarcliff Students Adjust Well at Temporary Locations
2/28/2011 - Public Notice - Policy Committee Meeting
2/27/2011 - Ten High School Students Selected as Winners in Regional DECA Competition
2/23/2011 - 3/1/11 BOE Meeting Change of Location
2/20/2011 - Superintendent Search Survey / Information
2/20/2011 - Miller Avenue Fifth Graders Perform “Rats-The Musical”
2/15/2011 - Spring Sports Pre-Season Meeting
2/13/2011 - Public Meeting has been cancelled for tonight. Policy Meeting is still scheduled.
2/13/2011 - Wading River Students Wish “Honest Abe” a Happy Birthday
2/7/2011 - Public Notice - Exec. Session
2/6/2011 - Public Notice - Legislative Committee
2/6/2011 - In the Land of Seuss
2/2/2011 - Public Notice - BOE Mtg. and Budget Workshop (RE-SCHEDULED)
1/30/2011 - Whittle Gym is in Full Swing!
1/27/2011 - Jones Label Winners Interviewed by MSG Varsity
1/27/2011 - Learning the Art of Persuasion Through Letter Writing
1/23/2011 - Field Hockey Player Selected to the U.S. Olympic (U-17) Games
1/20/2011 - Public Notice - Executive Session
1/19/2011 - LOYALTY!
1/12/2011 - Public Notice - Executive Session
1/11/2011 - Public Notice - Audit Committee meeting
1/9/2011 - Physical Ed. in the Land Before Time
1/7/2011 - 2010 Educator of the Year: Ruth Squillace
1/6/2011 - SWR Superintendent is 'Part of this Community'
1/5/2011 - Public Notice - Policy Committee Meeting
1/2/2011 - Students Perform at Annual Coffee House
12/28/2010 - Briarcliff Elementary Hosts Fireside Read-in
12/20/2010 - Athletics Department Documents
12/19/2010 - A Sincere Thank You
12/8/2010 - Public Notice - December 10, 2010
12/8/2010 - Learning How To Handle Money
12/6/2010 - Briarcliff Students Get Fit with “Sweaty Pennies”
12/6/2010 - District Committees
11/28/2010 - Students Reflect on “Together We Can”
11/24/2010 - Friday Fun at Briarcliff Elementary
11/22/2010 - Statement from Superintendent Dr. Harriet Copel
11/22/2010 - SWRHS Students Pay Tribute on Veterans Day
11/17/2010 - November 22, 2010 - BOE Public Notice Cancelled
11/14/2010 - “Fiddler on the Roof” Brings Down the House
11/7/2010 - Best Buddies at SWRHS
11/1/2010 - The Wading River Pond Project
10/29/2010 - Middle School Students Unite Against Drugs During Red Ribbon Week
10/25/2010 - Taking Learning Above the Clouds
10/20/2010 - HS Vandalism Arrest
10/20/2010 - October 26th - Public Notice of a Board Meeting
10/18/2010 - Seniors Named Commended Students in National Merit Competition
10/17/2010 - October 26, 2010 - Public Notice
10/10/2010 - Family, Friends and Fun at Briarcliff’s Fall Festival
10/4/2010 - Wildcat Pride Reigns During Homecoming
9/30/2010 - Audit Committee Meeting: October 15, 2010
9/26/2010 - At the Top of the Class
9/20/2010 - Public Notice - Audit Committee Meeting - September 22, 2010
9/19/2010 - Celebrating The Constitution
9/12/2010 - Academic Year Off to a Smooth Start!
9/7/2010 - Health and Safety Construction Project – Photos of Completed Projects
9/6/2010 - Board of Education President, Jack Costas: Welcoming words to faculty and staff...
8/30/2010 - Summer Fun in the Sun
8/20/2010 - Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, August 31, 2010
8/16/2010 - Health and Safety Construction Project Well Underway and in Progress!
8/11/2010 - Grant Funds Provide Students With New Technology!
8/5/2010 - 2010-2011 Milk Announcement
7/30/2010 - Public Notice - August 3, 2010
7/19/2010 - High School Student-Journalists Win Nine Awards In Long Island Newspaper Contests
7/9/2010 - Math 6 Accelerated Program
6/28/2010 - Words from the Board of Education President, Scott Ericson to the Class of 2010
6/28/2010 - New School Hours for 2010 - 2011
6/23/2010 - Having Fun & Learning
6/23/2010 - Informational Meeting: Sixth Grade Math
6/22/2010 - 105 Wading River Elementary Students “Move On Up!”
6/17/2010 - May Students of the Month
6/17/2010 - Best in Show
6/17/2010 - Varsity Girls Lacrosse Team
6/15/2010 - Possible Vandalism at WR Elementary
6/11/2010 - Albert G. Prodell Middle School Food Service Update
6/7/2010 - Suffolk County Class of 2010 Valedictorians Honored
6/4/2010 - Driving While Informed
5/24/2010 - Raising Awareness For ALS
5/24/2010 - February, March & April Students of the Month
5/5/2010 - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
5/5/2010 - Students Plant a Seed and Read