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Historical records indicate that the first school house in Wading River dates back to approximately 1813. This school house was located on North Country Road. In the late 1800's, another school was built further east on North Wading River Road. This school house was located in the Wildwood State Park area. These early school houses were referred to as the "upstreet" and "downstreet" school houses. From the 1930's until the construction of our present school in 1963, students were taught in a three room wooden school house (which was located on the present site of Wading River School). This school housed students in grades K through 8.

When the Riverhead schools centralized in the 1950's, the Wildwood area children were included in the Riverhead Central School District and have attended schools in that district ever since. To make way for the present elementary school, which was built in 1963, the three room school house was torn down and the present school built. Additions to our present school were made in 1967, 1975, 1982, 1987, and 2000.

Of the five Shoreham-Wading River Schools, the Wading River School is the only school located in the town of Riverhead. The present Wading River School is a one level building with 28 classrooms on 9.6 acres. Currently, the school houses grades 1 through 5, with a student enrollment of over 400. For many years, the building consisted of grades K through 8. With the opening of the Middle School in 1972, grades 6 through 8 were relocated to the Al Prodell Middle School in Shoreham. Due to increased enrollment in Wading River, kindergarten students were redistricted to the Briarcliff School in Shoreham in September 2001, creating our current configuration of grades 1 through 5. Our school includes state-of-the-art computer/technology lab, Internet access in all classrooms, a Library Media Center with over 20,000 volumes, a full-size elementary gymnasium, an all-purpose room, an Art room, and two music rooms.

The Wading-River School has a strong tradition of parent involvement, both with our PTA and with parents visiting our school to volunteer for many school activities. Some of these activities might include Book Fairs, Arts in Education programs, Science Fairs, PARP (Parents As Reading Partners), the Reflections program, T.V. Turnoff Week, Blood Drives, and many other school/community related programs. Our students are taught in a child-centered atmosphere, which promotes life-long learning and reading. Our teachers incorporate many different instructional modalities in an effort to challenge and support all types of learners. The Wading River School staff truly believes that all students should be able to learn in a safe, caring, and supportive environment, which is rewarding and fun for our students.

Current News

Sharing Joy in Music!

Congratulations to the 18 Wading River School fifth grade students who participated in the Suffolk County Music Educators’ Association’s 2025 All-County Festival.  thumbnail265138
Congratulations to the 18 Wading River School fifth grade students who participated in the Suffolk County Music Educators’ Association’s 2025 All-County Festival. Much appreciation to music teachers Erin Fasano, Christina Meli and Mark Verity, who oversee their successes in orchestra, band and chorus every day. Thanks also to music teacher Jenilyn Smith for guiding students in cultivating their love of music.

The SCMEA students are Chase Joubert, Evelyn Lauckhardt, Gavin MacKinnon and Emmett Stadler (band); Sophia Bucco, John Lister, Aubrey Sullivan, Aidan Thomas, Elliot Thomas, Olivia Zylowski (orchestra) and Rebecca Baas, Gianna DiSilvestre, Adrianna Galli, Megan Joos, Sophie Moreira, Daisy O’Neill, Alexis Sorrentino, Samuel Wozny (chorus).



Date Added: 3/24/2025

Thank You SWR Community!

Students at the joint Shoreham-Wading River PTA/PTO Blood Drive. thumbnail264971
Students at the joint Shoreham-Wading River PTA/PTO Blood Drive. thumbnail264972

The joint Shoreham-Wading River PTA/PTO Blood Drive collected 60 pints of much needed blood at the Wading River School Blood Drive on March 12.

“There is a critical shortage right now and we appreciate the donors taking the time to make a difference in the world,” co-coordinator Alice Steinbrecher said.

Thanks to all the donors and volunteers who helped. If you missed this one, please visit to see how you can help in the future.



Date Added: 3/17/2025


Bright Minds at Wading River School

Wading River students celebrating Pi Day. thumbnail264952
Wading River School students recognized Pi Day on March 14 with their bright mathematical minds. Students learned that the mathematical constant Pi is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to the diameter.


Date Added: 3/17/2025