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BOE Goals November 2006 - November 2007


Space & Facilities - Winter/Spring 2007

  • Develop a bond referendum on deferred maintenance, Middle School Renovations, additional classrooms at Miller Avenue and Wading River Schools, and Turf Field and lighting at the High School.
  • Develop a 5 year capital projects and maintenance plan for inclusion in the annual budget.
  • Develop plan for maintaining and upgrading the technology infrastructure in each building.

Curriculum, Instruction and Technology - Ongoing with evaluation fall 2007

  • Provide resources to implement curriculum developed by the District and support instructional practices designed to improve student achievement as measured by a variety of assessments.
  • Support the use of assessment data to inform curriculum and professional development.
  • Support the continued development of the administrative team in order to ensure on-going accountability for student achievement.
  • Support the staff development and resources needed to embed current and new technology within the curriculum (i.e., Smart Boards, Safari, SOLO, Big6).

Finances -Winter/Spring 2007

  • Develop a plan to use the prior year’s state aid claim.
  • Develop a three year financial plan that supports the programs needed to maintain the District’s assets and instructional programs.
  • Develop a financial plan to maintain and upgrade the technology infrastructure and a computer hardware replacement cycle.

Communication with Community - Ongoing

  • Continue to improve communication through community forums, District newsletters, and Board letters.
  • Develop plan for maintenance and improvement of the District website and the structures needed to provide information for the website.