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They’ve Got the Rubbish Rhythm!

Miller Avenue School students learned all about reducing, reusing and recycling during a special performance of “Bash the Trash.” thumbnail261200

Miller Avenue School students learned all about reducing, reusing and recycling during a special performance of “Bash the Trash.” The guest performers-educators combined music, science and environmental awareness in their entertaining program that featured instruments made from repurposed materials. Students learned how sound waves can make materials sound unique when used in various ways and even how different sized items can create distinct sounds. Unique creations that included a Styrofoam cello and a guitar made from oil canisters wowed the students. Original songs such as “Everything is an Instrument., The Rubbish Rhythm” and “The Thing Jam” had students clapping along to the beats. The thoughtful Bash the Trash presenters even used a solar generator to reduce their own carbon footprint during the performance!

Click here to view the They’ve Got the Rubbish Rhythm! slideshow.

Date Added: 9/25/2024