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Young Artists’ Works on Display

Students in art room looking at displays. thumbnail264579

Shoreham-Wading River High School junior Jillian Portuese and sophomore Lyla Zwolak were among the talented students selected for the Long Island’s Best Young Artists at The Heckscher Museum exhibit.

The selection came about because of a field trip that Drawing and Painting students and Advanced Placement Art students took to the museum with art teachers Jason Andria and Samantha Shepard. The students toured the exhibit on view and were encouraged to select a piece from that exhibit to create their own artwork inspired by what they saw for the Best Young Artists show.

“For the competition, the museum received 455 student submissions and only accepted 78 students into the show, so it is a really huge honor for Lyla and Jillian to have been selected,” Ms. Shepard said.

The show runs from April 6 through May 25 with an awards ceremony on April 5.


Click here to view the Young Artists’ Works on Display slideshow.


Date Added: 3/3/2025